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DIETtestTool - Online in the Cloud

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DIETTestTool - Example of a tool for DIET using the LogCentral


DIETTestTool - Example of a tool that connects to the LogCentral without any filter and
that display all the messages published. It is used as an example for the DIET program.
All received published messages are also stored in a log file.


DIETTestTool [options] ...


DIETTestTool connects to the LogCentral and get the messages (by default all, a file
containing filters may be passed as an argument). The tool both display and save the
messages in a log file. This log file may be given or will be created with a fix name

Before starting the LogCentral, you must:

· launch a CORBA Naming Service.

· launch log forwarders if needed

· launch LogCentral service

· Launch the DIETTestTool

· Use a component to publish messages


· The first argument is the destination output file that will contain the displayed logs.

· The second one is a filter to use in the tool

[Remark: There is no option letter, the order is fixed]


· Launching the LogCentral

LogCentral -config ./LogCentral.cfg

· Launching the tool


· Launching the tool to store the logs in the toto.log file

DIETTestTool toto.log

· Launching the tool to store the logs in the toto.log file with the filter in the
filter.txt file

DIETTestTool toto.log filter.txt


The LogTool uses CORBA as its communication layer. While it's a flexible and robust
middleware, its deployement on heterogeneous networks still is delicate and may require
using ssh tunnels.

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