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oar_resources_init - Online in the Cloud

Run oar_resources_init in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command oar_resources_init that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



oar_resource_init - Connect to a list of hosts to gather system information and create the
corresponding OAR resources.


oar_resource_init [options] <hostfile>


Hosts are read one per line from hostfile (must be readable by user oar) or STDIN (if
hostfile is -).

Every host in hostfile must have the "oar-node" service started (the command connects to
the hosts via SSH on the port 6667).

The command either generates a script which could be executed afterward, or directly
executes the OAR commands (oarnodesetting and oarproperty).

The following OAR resource hierarchy is assumed:

host > cpu > core

Or if the -T option is set:

host > cpu > core > thread

The mem property is set along with the hierarchy.

Other properties are not set, however the generated script can be modified to do so, or
the oarnodesetting command can be used to set them afterward.


-H Handle HyperThreading. Unless -T is used, every logical cpus (threads) belonging to a
same core will be assigned to the cpuset internal property, separated by commas.

-T Use the thread property for HyperThreading (imply -H).

-o [file]
Script filename.

-x Execute the script at the end and remove it.

-y Assume "yes" as answer to all prompts and run non-interactively.

-v Print the generated script.

-e [path]
Path to the ssh command.

-n [path]
Path to the oarnodesetting command.

-p [path]
Path to the oarproperty command.

-c [path]
Path to the oar.conf file.

-h Print the command usage.

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