Notepad++ Compare Plugin

Key Benefits of Notepad++ Compare Plugin

Are you looking for a way to efficiently compare and merge text files in Notepad++? The Compare plugin offers a number of benefits that can make this process faster and more accurate.

From identifying and resolving conflicts in code to easily comparing and merging changes made by multiple users, this plugin can greatly enhance your workflow.

On this page, we will explore the key benefits of using the Compare plugin in Notepad++. So, if you want to improve your text editing experience, read on to learn more about the features and advantages of this powerful tool.

However, before then, what is Notepad++ Compare Plugin?

What is Notepad++ Compare Plugin?

Notepad++ Compare Plugin is a plugin for the Notepad++ text editor. It allows users to compare and merge text files.

Also, it adds a new menu option to the Notepad++ interface. And this allows users to open two files side-by-side and compare them.

Also, the plugin highlights any differences between the two files. Thus, it makes it easy to identify and resolve conflicts in code. 

The plugin also allows users to merge changes made by multiple users, making it a useful tool for collaborative coding projects.

Additionally, it allows one to synchronize scrolling, customizable interface, save comparison results and merge changes as well.

Key Benefits of Notepad++ Compare Plugin

The benefits of using the Notepad++ Compare Plugin include:

1. Identification and Resolution of Conflicts in Code

This is one of the benefits of the Notepad++ Compare Plugin. The Compare plugin makes it easy to identify and resolve conflicts in code by highlighting differences between two versions of the same file.

2. Easily Compare and Merge Changes Made by Multiple Users

The plugin allows users to easily compare and merge changes made by multiple users, making it a useful tool for collaborative coding projects. Also, this is one of the benefits of the Notepad++ Compare Plugin.

4. Synchronized Scrolling

The Compare plugin allows both documents to be scrolled together, which makes it easy to spot the difference in the documents.

5. Customizable Interface

This is one of the benefits of the Notepad++ Compare Plugin. The plugin allows users to customize the interface to their preferences, such as changing the colours used to highlight differences.

6. Save Comparison Results

The plugin allows users to save the comparison results in a file which can be useful for later reference or for sharing with others. Again, this is one of the benefits of the Notepad++ Compare Plugin.

7. Merge Changes

The plugin allows users to easily merge changes from one file to another, making it a useful tool for merging code changes made by multiple users.

8. Time-Saving

This is one of the benefits of the Notepad++ Compare Plugin. By using this plugin, the process of comparing and merging text files becomes much faster and more efficient, saving time and effort.

9. Improved Accuracy

The plugin makes it easy to identify and resolve conflicts in code, which can help to improve the accuracy of your code.

How Do I Enable the Notepad++ Compare Plugin?

To enable the Notepad++ Compare plugin, you will need to do the following steps:

1. Open Notepad++.

2. Click on the “Plugins” menu at the top of the screen, and then select “Plugin Manager” from the drop-down menu.

3. In the Plugin Manager window, scroll down the list of available plugins and select “Compare.”

4. Click on the “Install” button. The plugin will be downloaded and installed automatically.

5. Close the Plugin Manager window, and then restart Notepad++.

6. Once Notepad++ restart, the Compare plugin will be enabled and ready to use.

NOTE: To use the Compare plugin, open two files you want to compare in Notepad++, then go to the “Plugins” menu and select “Compare.” The two files will be displayed side-by-side, with any differences highlighted.

Alternatively, you can download the Compare plugin from the official website and then install it manually.


After that, you need to go to the “Plugins” menu, select “Plugins Admin” search for “compare” in the available plugin, install it and restart the Notepad++.

How do I Manually Install the Notepad++ Compare Plugin?

To manually install the Notepad++ Compare plugin, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Download the Compare plugin from the official Notepad++ website or from a trusted third-party source.

2. Close Notepad++ if it is currently open.

3. Extract the contents of the downloaded plugin archive to the Notepad++ “plugins” directory. This directory is typically located at “C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins” for the 64-bit version of Notepad++ or “C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins” for the 32-bit version.

4. Start Notepad++.

5. Go to the “Plugins” menu, then “Plugin Manager” check the Compare option and click on “install”

6. Restart Notepad++.

You should now be able to access the Compare plugin from the “Plugins” menu.

NOTE: If the Compare plugin doesn’t show up in the “Plugins” menu, make sure that the plugin files have been placed in the correct directory and that the plugin is compatible with the version of Notepad++ you are using.

How Do I Compare Two Tabs in Notepad++?

To compare two tabs in Notepad++ using the Compare plugin, follow these steps:

1. Open Notepad++ and have both of the files you wish to compare open in separate tabs.

2. Go to the “Plugins” menu and select “Compare” or you can use the shortcut Alt+D.

3. A new Compare dialogue box will appear. It will have the two open documents in Notepad++, one on the left and one on the right.

4. You can use the “Swap” button to switch the positions of the files if they are in the wrong order.

5. Press the “Compare” button to begin the comparison.

The differences between the two files will be highlighted in the editor. The lines that are different will be highlighted in red on the left-hand side and in blue on the right-hand side.

The “Prev Difference” and “Next Difference” buttons allow you to navigate through the differences. The “Copy to Left” and “Copy to Right” buttons allow you to copy a line from one side to the other.

Once you are finished comparing, press the “Close” button to close the Compare dialogue box.

NOTE: If you have made any changes to the files during the comparison, you will need to save them before closing the Compare dialogue box.

How Do I Open Two Windows Side by Side in Notepad++?

You can open two windows side by side in Notepad++ by following these steps:

1. Open Notepad++ and have both of the files you wish to view open in separate tabs.

2. Go to the “View” menu, and select “Clone to Other View”.

3. This will open a new Notepad++ window with the same tab that you have opened in the original window.

4. You can now drag and drop the new window to a different location on your screen to have the two windows side by side.

5. You can now switch between the two windows and compare the files.

If you want to close one of the windows, you can use the “Windows” menu, and select “Close All But This” to close all windows except the current active one.

NOTE: Another way to open two windows side by side is by using the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Shift+D which will clone the current document to another view and you can arrange it as you want.

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