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4s-admin — 4store cluster management tool


4s-admin [--verbose] command [args]

4s-admin list-nodes
4s-admin list-stores
4s-admin start-stores [-a | --all] [store_name ...]
4s-admin stop-stores [-a | --all] [store_name ...]
4s-admin delete-stores store_name ...
4s-admin create-store [create_options ...] store_name
4s-admin [--version] [--help]


The 4s-admin utility enables a 4store cluster (or single host) to be managed through a
number of supported commands. Commands available are list-nodes, list-stores, start-stores,
stop-stores, delete-stores. Details on individual commands are below:

Command: list-nodes
Prints a list of all nodes in their cluster, and their status. Output contains:
node_number - starting at 0, the numbered index of a node in a cluster
hostname - name of the cluster node
port - the port that 4s-boss is running on
status - whether 4s-boss on that node is reachable or not
ip_address - IPv4 or IPv6 address of the node

Command: list-stores
Prints a list of all stores found on the cluster, along with their status. The output will
store_name - name of the store
store_status - whether the store is usable or not
backend_status - status of the 4s-backend processes the store uses


Will show status of each backend on each node separately, rather than by store.

The store_status will either be 'available' or 'unavailable'. If a store is available, then
it means that all necessary backend processes are running on the cluster, and the store can
be used with 4s-httpd, 4s-query, and 4s-import. If a store is not available, the
'backend_status' will list the reason why.

If a backend is listed as 'stopped', it means that the 4s-backend process for a store is
definitely stopped on one or more nodes of a cluster. If it is listed as 'unknown', this
means that 4s-admin was unable to determine the state of the backend process.

Command: start-stores, stop-stores
Starts or stops one or more stores on the cluster.


-a, --all
Starts or stops all stores on the cluster.

If the -a or --all option isn't present, then a space separated list of store names to start
or stop should be given.

Each node is asked in turn to start or stop the 4s-backend process stores given.

For each node, this command will print:
node_number - starting at 0, the numbered index of a node in a cluster
hostname - name of the cluster node

For each 4s-backend process on the node, it will print:
store_name - name of the store
backend_status - whether 4s-backend is now stopped or running

The backend_status will be one of 'stopped', 'running', or 'unknown'.

If start-stores is called for an already running store, or a stop-stores for an already
stopped store, then each node will take no action, but the status of the backend will be

Command: delete-stores
Deletes one or more stores from a cluster.

Accepts a space separated list of stores to delete as arguments.

Establishes a connection to all nodes of the cluster, stops a store if it is running, then
deletes that store.

Command: create-store
Creates a new store on one or more cluster nodes.


--nodes node_id_list
Comma separated list of numerical node numbers to create the store on. Default is
all nodes. Use 4s-admin list-nodes for a list of available nodes.

--segments num_segments
Total number of segments to be split across all nodes, must be a power of 2.
Default is 2 per node (rounded to nearest power of 2).

-m, --mirror
Enable mirroring of segments.

--password password
Set a password for authentication.

Use a file per model, useful for large models.

If a store with the same name already exists, delete it and recreate.

All of the above are optional, and the only required argument is the name of the store to

Each node is asked in turn to create the store. If any of the nodes fail to create a store,
store creation is aborted, and any segments already created will be deleted.

Existing stores won't be deleted unless the Fl -force option is given.

Configuration file options
nodes = <node_list>
Semicolon separated list of hosts in the cluster.

Options for 4s-admin in /etc/4store.conf should all be within the [4s-boss] section, or will
be ignored.

See 4store.conf(5) for details on how to specify a cluster.

General Usage
When any 4s-admin command is called, it first reads /etc/4store.conf to determine the
hostnames of nodes in the cluster. It will then attempt to communicate with the 4s-boss(8)
daemon running on that node (running on port 6733 by default).

Running the list-nodes command is the simplest way of checking that all nodes are reachable
over the network, and the 4s-boss on each is responding.

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