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aepromptcmd - change prompt color by change state




The bash(1) shell has an interesting property: If the PROMPT_COMMAND vaiable is set, the
value is executed as a command prior to issuing each primary prompt. (Actually, it can
be a seties of semicolon separated commands.)

In order to change the text back to normal, the PS1 variable needs to have "\33[0m"
somewhere near the end, otherwise things can get a little difficult to read. If you are
using bash(1), you need to let it know these are unprintable (like this: "\[\33[0m\]") or
it messes up command line editing.

The aepromptcmd command is used to set the color of the prompt, based on the state of the
current change. This is an idea taken from Kent Beck's Test Driven Development book. If
the change is in the being developed or being integrated state and it needs to be built,
the prompt is red; if it is built but it needs to be tested, the prompt is magenta,
otherwise it is green.


Here is a short script you can put in your .bashrc file to turn on prompt coloring:
if [ "$PS1" ] then
"" ) PROMPT_COMMAND="aepromptcmd" PS1="$PS1^[[0m" ;;
*aepromptcmd*) ;;
PS1="$PS1\[\33[0m\]" ;;
export PS1 fi
Note that this usually leaves your prompt default (black) when you are not somewhere
inside a development directory.

The aepromptcmd command uses the ANSI color escape sequences. It really should to use
the tigetstr(3) function from terminfo(3) to do this in a terminal independent way. Code
contributions welcome.


The following options are understood:

-Change number
This option may be used to specify a particular change within a project. See
aegis(1) for a complete description of this option.

-Project name
This option may be used to select the project of interest. When no -Project
option is specified, the AEGIS_PROJECT environment variable is consulted. If
that does not exist, the user's $HOME/.aegisrc file is examined for a default
project field (see aeuconf(5) for more information). If that does not exist,
when the user is only working on changes within a single project, the project
name defaults to that project. Otherwise, it is an error.

This option may be used to obtain more information about how to use the
aepromptcmd program.

By default error messages are supressed, so that the prompt will be normal when
you are outside an Aegis work area. Use this option to tuen error messages back

See also aegis(1) for options common to all aegis commands.

All options may be abbreviated; the abbreviation is documented as the upper case letters,
all lower case letters and underscores (_) are optional. You must use consecutive
sequences of optional letters.

All options are case insensitive, you may type them in upper case or lower case or a
combination of both, case is not important.

For example: the arguments "-project, "-PROJ" and "-p" are all interpreted to mean the
-Project option. The argument "-prj" will not be understood, because consecutive
optional characters were not supplied.

Options and other command line arguments may be mixed arbitrarily on the command line,
after the function selectors.

The GNU long option names are understood. Since all option names for aepromptcmd are
long, this means ignoring the extra leading '-'. The "--option=value" convention is also


The aepromptcmd command will exit with a status of 1 on any error. The aepromptcmd
command will only exit with a status of 0 if there are no errors.


See aegis(1) for a list of environment variables which may affect this command. See
aepconf(5) for the project configuration file's project_specific field for how to set
environment variables for all commands executed by Aegis.


aepromptcmd version 4.24.3.D001
Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002,
2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Peter Miller

The aepromptcmd program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details use the
'aepromptcmd -VERSion License' command. This is free software and you are welcome to
redistribute it under certain conditions; for details use the 'aepromptcmd -VERSion
License' command.

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