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ao-telem - Online in the Cloud

Run ao-telem in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command ao-telem that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



ao-telem - Analyse a flight log (either telemetry or eeprom)


ao-telem [-s <summary-file>] [--summary=<summary-file>] [-d <detail-file>]
[--detail=<detail-file>] [-r <raw-file>] [--raw=<raw-file>] [-p <plot-file>]
[--plot=<plot-file>] [-g <gps-file] [--gps=<gps-file] [-k <kml-file] [--kml=<kml-file]


ao-telem reads the specified flight log and produces several different kinds of output.

By default, summary information is shown on stdout. With the --summary option, it
can be redirected to a file.

Detail When requested with the --detail option, a filtered version of the flight position,
speed and acceleration are written to the specified file.

Raw The --raw option writes the unfiltered, but converted acceleration and height data
to the specified file.

Plot The --plot option writes plots of height, speed and acceleration to the specified
file in .svg format

GPS The --gps option writes the recorded GPS data to the specified file in three

KML The --kml option writes the recorded GPS data to the specified file in Keyhole
Markup Language format, which can be displayed in Googleearth.

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