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arm-linux-androideabi-windmc - Online in the Cloud

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windmc - generates Windows message resources.


windmc [options] input-file


windmc reads message definitions from an input file (.mc) and translate them into a set of
output files. The output files may be of four kinds:

"h" A C header file containing the message definitions.

A resource file compilable by the windres tool.

One or more binary files containing the resource data for a specific message language.

A C include file that maps message id's to their symbolic name.

The exact description of these different formats is available in documentation from

When windmc converts from the "mc" format to the "bin" format, "rc", "h", and optional
"dbg" it is acting like the Windows Message Compiler.


Specifies that the input file specified is ASCII. This is the default behaviour.

Specifies that messages in the output "bin" files should be in ASCII format.

Specifies that "bin" filenames should have to be prefixed by the basename of the
source file.

Sets the customer bit in all message id's.

-C codepage
--codepage_in codepage
Sets the default codepage to be used to convert input file to UTF16. The default is
ocdepage 1252.

Outputs the constants in the header file in decimal. Default is using hexadecimal

-e ext
--extension ext
The extension for the header file. The default is .h extension.

-F target
--target target
Specify the BFD format to use for a bin file as output. This is a BFD target name;
you can use the --help option to see a list of supported targets. Normally windmc
will use the default format, which is the first one listed by the --help option.

-h path
--headerdir path
The target directory of the generated header file. The default is the current

Displays a list of command line options and then exits.

-m characters
--maxlength characters
Instructs windmc to generate a warning if the length of any message exceeds the number

Terminate message text in "bin" files by zero. By default they are terminated by

Not yet implemented. Instructs "windmc" to generate an OLE2 header file, using HRESULT
definitions. Status codes are used if the flag is not specified.

-O codepage
--codepage_out codepage
Sets the default codepage to be used to output text files. The default is ocdepage

-r path
--rcdir path
The target directory for the generated "rc" script and the generated "bin" files that
the resource compiler script includes. The default is the current directory.

Specifies that the input file is UTF16.

Specifies that messages in the output "bin" file should be in UTF16 format. This is
the default behaviour.

Enable verbose mode.

Prints the version number for windmc.

-x path
--xdgb path
The path of the "dbg" C include file that maps message id's to the symbolic name. No
such file is generated without specifying the switch.

Read command-line options from file. The options read are inserted in place of the
original @file option. If file does not exist, or cannot be read, then the option
will be treated literally, and not removed.

Options in file are separated by whitespace. A whitespace character may be included
in an option by surrounding the entire option in either single or double quotes. Any
character (including a backslash) may be included by prefixing the character to be
included with a backslash. The file may itself contain additional @file options; any
such options will be processed recursively.

Use arm-linux-androideabi-windmc online using onworks.net services

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