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atheist - Online in the Cloud

Run atheist in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command atheist that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



atheist - a general prupose test framework.


atheist [options] {{directory | file}}


atheist allows you to specify the behaviour of your tests in a declarative way using many
data structures (such us Tasks, Conditions, Daemons, etc.) and provides detailed statistic
results. The main idea is that the programmer may describes the test behaviour in a .test
file and atheist runs every tests found. It is possible to check and prepare the system by
writting setup and teardown files that are executed after and before each test.

Each test is represented by Task object which have many configuration attributes such us
execution delay, termination signal expected and many others. Tasks have pre and post
conditions that are been checked at execution time. You may save the test output and
compose Conditions objects to assure concrete states of the system during the tests

atheist free all resources used by the user automatically at the end of the execution. See
the Atheist manual for more information about data structures and tools provided by the

This manual page was written for the Debian distribution because the original program does
not have a manual page. Instead, it has documentation in the GNU info(1) format; see


-a ARGS, --task-args=ARGS
Colon-separated arguments for the tasks.

-b PATH, --base-dir=PATH
Change working directory.

-C, --clean-only
Execute nothing, only remove generated files.

-d, --describe
Execute nothing, only describe tasks.

Do not remove generated files after task execution.

-e, --stderr
Print task process stderr.

-f, --out-on-fail
Print task output only if it fails.

-g, --gen-template
Generate a TaskCase file template with default values.

-h, --help
Show the help message.

-i LEVEL, --report-detail=LEVEL
Report verbosity (0:nothing, [1:case], 2:task, 3:condition).

-j, --skip-hooks
Skip _setup and _teardown files.

-k, --keep-going
Continue even with failed tasks.

-l, --list
Execute nothing, only list tasks names.

-r RANDOM, --random=RANDOM
Run taskcases in random order using the specified seed.

-o, --stdout
Print task stdout.

-p PATH, --plugin-dir=PATH
A directory containing plugins.

-q, --quiet
Do not show result summary nor warnings, only totals.

-s INLINE, --script=INLINE
Specifies command line script.

-t, --time-tag
Include time info in the logs.

-u, --until-failure
Repeat test until it fails.

-v, --verbose
Incresse verbosity.

Atheist version.

-w WORKERS, --workers=WORKERS
number of simultaneous Tasks (deafult:1) 0:auto-select.

Exec COMMAND like in "Test(COMMAND, shell=True)".

Print case execution time in reports.

Terminal width (in chars).

Alternate config file.

Don't show progress bar.

files to ignore (glob patterns) separated with semicolon.

Log to specified filename.

Avoid color codes in console output.

Save stdout of all tasks.

Save stderr of all tasks.

Notify failed tasks to the given jabber account.

notify failed taks to the given email address.

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