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away - Online in the Cloud

Run away in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command away that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



away - terminal locking program


away [OPTIONS] message [...]


away is a simple program that locks your terminal, checks for new mail in any given number
of mailboxes, and lets other users know why you are inactive.


-c, --mail
Enable checking of mail.

-C, --nomail
Disable checking of mail.

-f, --rcfile=FILE
Specify an alternative configuration file instead of the default ~/.awayrc file.

-F, --norcfile
Ignore user configuration file.

-h, --help
Display help.

-m, --message
Execute as the remainder of the command line, effectively stripping off the
executable name and additional switches.

-p, --persist
Continue checking for new mail as long as there is at least one mailbox that has
not received new mail.

-P, --nopersist
Stop checking mail if any mailbox is found to have new mail.

-t, --time=SECONDS
Set the number of second that away sleeps before performing its background tasks.
Presently, the only background task that away will perform is the checking of

-T, --notime
Ignore any options to set the time interval and use the default number of seconds.

-v, --version
Display version information.

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