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cef5pdflatex - Online in the Cloud

Run cef5pdflatex in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command cef5pdflatex that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



bg5latex - Use LaTeX directly on a Big5 encoded .tex file
bg5pdflatex - Use pdfLaTeX directly on a Big5 encoded .tex file
bg5+latex - Use LaTeX directly on a Big5+ encoded .tex file
bg5+pdflatex - Use pdfLaTeX directly on a Big5+ encoded .tex file
cef5latex - Use LaTeX directly on a Big5 encoded .tex file
containing CEF macros
cef5pdflatex - Use pdfLaTeX directly on a Big5 encoded .tex file
containing CEF macros
ceflatex - Use LaTeX directly on a .tex file containing CEF
cefpdflatex - Use pdfLaTeX directly on a .tex file containing CEF
cefslatex - Use LaTeX directly on an SJIS encoded .tex file
containing CEF macros
cefspdflatex - Use pdfLaTeX directly on an SJIS encoded .tex file
containing CEF macros
gbklatex - Use LaTeX directly on a GBK encoded .tex file
gbkpdflatex - Use pdfLaTeX directly on a GBK encoded .tex file
sjislatex - Use LaTeX directly on an SJIS encoded .tex file
sjispdflatex - Use pdfLaTeX directly on an SJIS encoded .tex file


bg5latex file.tex
bg5pdflatex file.tex


This manual page briefly documents the different *latex batch files that come with the CJK
LaTeX macro.

The *latex commands are shell scripts that will convert a (Big5(+), GBK or SJIS encoded)
.tex file in a .cjk file using the respective *conv command resulting in a .cjk file, and
will then run (pdf)latex on the .cjk file.

If you use Big5+ encoding, then use bg5+latex or bg5+pdflatex.

If you use CEF macro's in your Big5 or SJIS encoded file, use cef5latex or cefslatex resp.
instead. If it's in plain ASCII, use ceflatex.

If you use GNU/Emacs (>=20), you don't have to use any of these commands: just put the
Lisp file "cjk-enc.el" in Emacs' load-path, load the library "cjk-enc" and run "M-x cjk-
write-file" to create a .cjk file. Then process the .cjk file with latex or pdflatex.

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