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chasen ‐ Japanese Morphological Analysis System


chasen [options] file


chasen is a morphological analysis system. It can segment and tokenize Japanese text
string, and can output with many additional information (pronunciation, semantic
information, and others).

It will print the result of such an operation to the standard output, so that it can be
either written to a file or further processed.


-s Use partial sentence mode for analysis.

-j Use Japanese sentence mode for analysis. KUTEN (including other puncuation marks)
and empty line are treated as the punctuation of the text.

-C Use the command mode for analysis.

-b Show the best path. (default)

-m Show all morphemes where ambiguity is identified in the best path.

-p Show all paths expanding for all combinations of the ambiguity.

-f Show formatted morpheme data in column (default)

-e Show entire morpheme data.

-c Show coded morpheme data.

-d Show detailed morpheme for use by Prolog.

-v Show detailed morpheme for use by VisualMorphs.

Show morpheme as compound words or their segments.

-F format
Show morpheme formatted by the format such as "%m\t%y\t%M\t%U(%P-)\t%T \t%F \n" .

-Fh Print help information for -F option.

-i lang
Specify the character encoding of the input file. e: EUC-JP, s:Shift JIS, w:UTF-8,
u:UTF-8, a:ISO-8859-1

-o file
Specify the output file to be file .

-w width
Specify the cost width.

-r rcfile
Use rcfile as the chasenrc file.

-R Use the system default chasenrc file (/etc/chasenrc).

-L lang
Specify language.

-lp Print the list of parts of speech (hinshi).

-lt Print list of conjugation types.

-lf Print list of conjugation forms.

-h Print help.

-V Print ChaSen version number.

This manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution because the original
program does not have a manual page.

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