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clBLAS-client - Online in the Cloud

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This is the command clBLAS-client that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



clBLAS-client - program to test different options for the OpenCL BLAS library


clBLAS client command line options:
-h [ --help ]
produces this help message

-g [ --gpu ]
Force instantiation of an OpenCL GPU device

-c [ --cpu ]
Force instantiation of an OpenCL CPU device

-a [ --all ]
Force instantiation of all OpenCL devices

Use an image-based kernel

-m [ --sizem ] arg (=128)
Number of rows in A and C

-n [ --sizen ] arg (=128)
Number of columns in B and C

-k [ --sizek ] arg (=128)
Number of columns in A and rows in B

--lda arg (=0)
First dimension of A in memory.
if set to 0, lda will default to M (when transposeA is "no transpose")
or K (otherwise)

--ldb arg (=0)
First dimension of B in memory.
if set to 0, ldb will default to K (when transposeB is "no transpose")
or N (otherwise)

--ldc arg (=0)
First dimension of C in memory.
if set to 0, ldc will default to M

--offA arg (=0)
Offset of the matrix A in memory object

--offBX arg (=0)
Offset of the matrix B or vector X in memory object

--offCY arg (=0)
Offset of the matrix C or vector Y in memory object

--alpha arg (=1)
Specifies the scalar alpha

--beta arg (=1)
Specifies the scalar beta

-o [ --order ] arg (=0)
0 = row major, 1 = column major

--transposeA arg (=0)
0 = no transpose, 1 = transpose, 2 = conjugate transpose

--transposeB arg (=0)
0 = no transpose, 1 = transpose, 2 = conjugate transpose

-f [ --function ] arg (=gemm)
BLAS function to test.
Options: gemm, trsm, trmm, gemv, symv, syrk, syr2k

-r [ --precision ] arg (=s)
Options: s,d,c,z

--side arg (=0)
0 = left, 1 = right.
only used with [list of function families]

--uplo arg (=0)
0 = upper, 1 = lower.
only used with [list of function families]

--diag arg (=0)
0 = unit diagonal, 1 = non unit diagonal.
only used with [list of function families]

-p [ --profile ] arg (=20)
Time and report the kernel speed (default: profiling off)

--roundtrip arg (=noroundtrip)
Including the time of OpenCL memory allocation and transportation
Options: roundtrip, noroundtrip(default)

--memalloc arg (=default)
Setting the memory allocation flags for OpenCL
no effect if roundtrip time is not measured
Options: default(default), alloc_host_ptr, use_host_ptr,
copy_host_ptr, use_persistent_mem_amd, rect_mem


Copyright © 2015 Ghislain Antony Vaillant

This manual page was written for the Debian system.

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify
this document under the terms of the BSD 2-Clause license.

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