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collink - Online in the Cloud

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Link - Link ICC profiles.


Link ICC profiles


collink [options] srcprofile dstprofile linkedprofile

-v Verbose

-A manufacturer Manufacturer description string

-M model
Model description string

-D description
Profile Description string (Default "inoutfile")

-C copyright
Copyright string

-V Verify existing profile, rather than link

-q lmhu
Quality - Low, Medium (def), High, Ultra

-r res Override clut res. set by -q

-n Don't preserve device linearization curves in result

-f Special :- Force neutral colors to be K only output

-fk Special :- Force K only neutral colors to be K only output

-F Special :- Force all colors to be K only output

-fcmy Special :- Force 100% C,M or Y only to stay pure

-p absprof
Include abstract profile in link

-a file.cal
Apply calibration curves to link output and append linear

-H file.cal
Append calibration curves to 3dlut

-s Simple Mode (default)

-g [src.gam]
Gamut Mapping Mode [optional source image gamut]

-G [src.gam]
Gamut Mapping Mode using inverse outprofile A2B

Simple Mode Options: -i in_intent p = perceptual, r = relative colorimetric,

s = saturation, a = absolute colorimetric

-o out_intent
p = perceptual, r = relative colorimetric, s = saturation, a = absolute

Gamut Mapping
Mode Options:

-i intent
set linking intent from the following choice:

a - Absolute Colorimetric (in Jab) [ICC Absolute Colorimetric]

aw - Absolute Colorimetric (in Jab) with scaling to fit white point aa - Absolute

r - White Point Matched Appearance [ICC Relative Colorimetric]

la - Luminance axis matched Appearance

p - Perceptual (Preferred) (Default) [ICC Perceptual]

pa - Perceptual Apperance ms - Saturation

s - Enhanced Saturation [ICC Saturation]

al - Absolute Colorimetric (Lab) rl - White Point Matched Colorimetric (Lab)

-w [J,a,b]
Use forced whitepoint hack [optional target point]

-c viewcond
set source viewing conditions for CIECAM02, either an enumerated choice, or a

-d viewcond
set destination viewing conditions for CIECAM02, either an enumerated choice, or
parameter:value changes

pp - Practical Reflection Print (ISO-3664 P2) pe - Print evaluation environment
(CIE 116-1995) pc - Critical print evaluation environment (ISO-3664 P1) mt -
Monitor in typical work environment mb - Bright monitor in bright work environment
md - Monitor in darkened work environment jm - Projector in dim environment jd -
Projector in dark environment tv - Television/Film Studio

pcd - Photo CD - original scene outdoors

ob - Original scene - Bright Outdoors cx - Cut Sheet Transparencies on a viewing

n = auto, a = average, m = dim, d = dark, c = transparency (default average)

Adapted white point as XYZ (default media white)

w:x:y Adapted white point as x, y

Adaptation luminance in cd.m^2 (default 50.0)

Background % of image luminance (default 20)

Image white in cd.m^2 if surround = auto (default 250)

Flare light % of image luminance (default 0)

Flare light % of ambient (default 1)

Flare color as XYZ (default media white, Abs: D50)

g:x:y Flare color as x, y

-t tlimit
set source total ink limit, 0 - 400% (estimate by default)

-T klimit
set source black ink limit, 0 - 100% (estimate by default)

Inverse outprofile A2B Options: -k tezhxr CMYK Black generation

t = transfer K from source to destination, e = retain K of destination B2A table z
= zero K, h = 0.5 K, x = maximum K, r = ramp K (default)

-k p stle stpo enpo enle shape

p = black target generation curve parameters

-k q stle0 stpo0 enpo0 enle0 shape0 stle2 stpo2 enpo2 enle2 shape2

q = transfer source K to dual curve limits

-K parameters
Same as -k, but target is K locus rather than K value itself

-l tlimit
set destination total ink limit, 0 - 400% (estimate by default)

-L klimit
set destination black ink limit, 0 - 100% (estimate by default)

-3 flag
Create "3DLut" output file as well as devlink

e eeColor .txt file

m MadVR .3dlut file

-I b Apply BT.1886-like mapping with effective gamma 2.2 to input

-I b:g.g
Apply BT.1886-like mapping with effective gamma g.g to input

-I B Apply BT.1886 mapping with technical gamma 2.4 to input

-I B:g.g
Apply BT.1886 mapping with technical gamma g.g to input

-e flag
Video encode input as:

-E flag
Video encode output as:

n normal 0..1 full range RGB levels (default)

t (16-235)/255 "TV" RGB levels

6 Rec601 YCbCr SD (16-235,240)/255 "TV" levels

7 Rec709 1125/60Hz YCbCr HD (16-235,240)/255 "TV" levels

5 Rec709 1250/50Hz YCbCr HD (16-235,240)/255 "TV" levels

2 Rec2020 YCbCr UHD (16-235,240)/255 "TV" levels

C Rec2020 Constant Luminance YCbCr UHD (16-235,240)/255 "TV" levels

x xvYCC Rec601 YCbCr Rec709 Prims. SD (16-235,240)/255 "TV" levels

X xvYCC Rec709 YCbCr Rec709 Prims. HD (16-235,240)/255 "TV" levels

-P Create gamut gammap.wrl diagostic

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