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dbfcreate - Online in the Cloud

Run dbfcreate in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command dbfcreate that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



dbfcreate - Create an empty xBase DBF file


dbfcreate xbase_file [[-s field_name width] | [-n field_name width decimals],...]


Creates an empty DBF file called xbase_file with columns described by all the -s and -n
options that follow.


the name of xBase file to be created. Doesn´t need the extension.

-s field_name width
creates a string field with name field_name and size width.

-n field_name width decimals
creates a numeric field with name field_name, width of width and with decimals
places sized by decimals.


dbfcreate testbase -s NAME 20, -n AREA 9 3, -n VALUE 9 2

this will create a file named testbase.dbf with 3 fields: NAME (string (20)), AREA (float
(9,3)) and VALUE (float (9,2))


0 Successful program execution.

1 Missing xbase_file argument.

2 Failed to create the file xbase_file for writing.

3 Missing field_name, width, or decimals argument for a -s or -n option.

4 Failed to add a column given by a -s or -n option.


The following diagnostics may be issued on stdout:

DBFCreate(xbase_file) failed.

DBFAddField(field_name,FTString,width,0) failed.

DBFAddField(field_name,FTDouble,width,decimals) failed.

Argument incomplete, or unrecognised: arg

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