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dfgrep - Online in the Cloud

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This is the command dfgrep that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



dgrep, degrep, dfgrep, dzgrep -- grep through files belonging to an installed Debian


dgrep [most grep options] pattern package...

dgrep --help


dgrep invokes grep(1) on each file in one or more installed Debian packages.

It passes the package argument(s) to dglob(1) to retrieve a list of files in those
packages. You can use POSIX regular expressions for the package names.

If dgrep is invoked as degrep, dfgrep or dzgrep then egrep(1), fgrep(1) or zgrep(1) is
used instead of grep(1).


dgrep supports most of grep(1)'s options. Please refer to your grep(1) documentation (i.e.
the manpage or the texinfo manual) for a complete listing. Only a few options are excluded
because they do not conform with the intended behaviour, see the list below.

Options of grep that are not supported by dgrep
-r, --recursive, -d recurse, --directories=recurse
-d read, --directories=read
dgrep searches only in the "normal" files of a package. It skips all directories and
symlinks. Therefor the options of grep that are specific to directories are not

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