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dmitry - Online in the Cloud

Run dmitry in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command dmitry that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



DMitry - Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool


dmitry [Options] host


DMitry (Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool) is a UNIX/(GNU)Linux command line
application with the ability to gather as much information as possible about a host.

Basic functionality of DMitry allows for information to be gathered about a target host
from a simple whois lookup on the target to uptime reports and TCP portscans.

The application is considered a tool to assist in information gathering when information
is required quickly by removing the need to enter multiple commands and the timely process
of searching through data from multiple sources.


Options should be passed to DMitry in the form of '-option'. Only options known by DMitry
will be used and others will be ignored. If options are not passed as a group block, the
trailing options will be considered a host target.

-o filename
Create an ascii text output of the results to the filename specified. If no output
filename is specified then output will be saved to "target.txt". If this option is
not specified in any form output will be sent to the standard output (STDOUT) by
default. This option MUST trail all other options, i.e. "dmitry -winseo target".

-i Perform an Internet Number whois lookup on the target IP address.

-w Perform a whois lookup on the host target.

-n Retrieve netcraft.com data concerning the host, this includes operating system, web
server release and uptime information where available.

-s Perform a subdomain search on the specified target. This will use serveral search
engines to attempt to locate subdomains in the form of sub.target. There is no set
limit to the level of subdomain that can be located, however, there is a maximum
string length of 40 characters (NCOL 40) to limit memory usage. Possible
subdomains are then reversed to an IP address, if this comes back positive then the
resulting subdomain is listed. However, if the host uses an asterisk in their DNS
records all resolve subdomains will come back positive.

-e Perform an e-mail address search on the specified target. This modules works using
the same concept as the subdomain search by attempting to locate possible e-mail
addresses for a target host. The e-mail addresses may also be for possible
subdomains of the target host. There is a limit to the length of the e-mail address
set to 50 characters (NCOL 50) to limit memory usage.

-p Perform a TCP portscan on the host target. This module will list open, closed and
filtered ports within a specific range.

-f This option will cause the TCP portscan module to report/display output of filtered
ports. These are usually ports that have been filtered and/or closed by a firewall
at the specified host/target. This option requires that the '-p' option be passed
as a previous option. For example, "dmitry -pf target".

-b This option will cause the TCP portscan module to output banners if they are
received when scanning TCP ports. This option requires that the '-p' option be
passed as a previous option. For example, "dmitry -pb target".

-t This sets the Time To Live (TTL) of the portscan module when scanning individual
ports. This is set to 2 seconds by default. This is usually required when
scanning a host that has a firewall and/or has filtered ports which can slow down a


This section presents some example queries that can be made using dmitry.

dmitry -w mydomain.com

This will perform a named whois (INIC-WHOIS) lookup on the target host, displaying results
to the standard output (STDOUT).

dmitry -winsepo sometextfile.txt mydomain.com

This will perform all the basic functions on the target host and store all the output into

dmitry -winsepo mydomain.com

This will perform all the basic functions on the target host and store all the output into

dmitry -winsepfbo

This will perform all the basic functions on the target host and store all the output into
"". This will also display banners and show filtered ports.

Use dmitry online using onworks.net services

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