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dtdparse - Generate an XML representation of an SGML or XML DTD.


dtdparse [options] [dtdfile]


dtdparse parses an XML or SGML DTD and prints an XML representation of it. The XML
version can be further processed by other tools to aid in the analysis and documentation
of the DTD.

The first non-option-related argument provided on the command-line specifies the file to
parse. If no filename is given, then the DTD is read from standard input.

The generated XML document is printed to standard output unless the "--output" option is


--catalog <catalog>
Specify catalog files to parse for resolving external entity references. This option
can be specified multiple times.

NOTE: Currently, only SGML Open Catalog format is supported. XML Catalog support is
not implemented (yet).

Extra debugging output. This option can be specified multiple times to increase the
amount of output.

Debugging output is sent to standard error.

--declaration <file>
Specify the SGML declaration. The SGML declaration is parsed to determine the type of
DTD being parsed, XML or SGML. The key parts of the SGML declaration examined are the
NAMECASE and CHARSET directives to determine the DTD type.

If no SGML declaration is available, the "--xml", "--namecase-general", and
"--namecase-entity" options can be used.

In the absence of an SGML declaration, these options specifiy if "NAMECASE GENERAL" is
YES or NO. The default is YES unless "--xml" is specified.

In the absence of an SGML declaration, these options specifiy if "NAMECASE ENTITY" is
YES or NO. The default is NO.

--output <file>
Specifies the filename to send XML output.

--public-id <pubid>
The DTD's public ID.

--system-id <sysid>
The DTD's system ID.

--title <title>
Set the title of the DTD.

Include, or do not include, unexpanded content models in generated XML. By default,
unexpanded content models are included.

It is common for DTD authors and maintainers to use parameter entities within content
models. When this option is enabled, dtdparse will include a version of content
models with parameter entities not expanded.

Print parsing progress. By default, this option is enabled. Verbose output is sent
to standard error.

If "--debug" is specified, then this option is automatically enabled.

In the absence of an SGML declaration, this option specifies if the DTD is an XML DTD
or an SGML DTD (the default is --noxml).

Print version and synopsis.

Print synopsis and options available.

Print manual page.

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