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eggdrop - Online in the Cloud

Run eggdrop in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command eggdrop that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



eggdrop - an IRC bot


eggdrop [options] [config-file]


Eggdrop is the World's most popular Internet Relay Chat (IRC) bot; it is freely
distributable under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Eggdrop is a feature rich
program designed to be easily used and expanded upon by both novice and advanced IRC users
on a variety of hardware and software platforms.

An IRC bot is a program that sits on an IRC channel and performs automated tasks while
looking just like a normal user on the channel. Some of these functions include protecting
the channel from abuse, allowing privileged users to gain op or voice status, logging
channel events, providing information, hosting games, etc.

One of the features that makes Eggdrop stand out from other bots is module and Tcl
scripting support. With scripts and modules, you can make the bot perform almost any task
you want. They can do anything from preventing floods to greeting users and banning
advertisers from channels.

You can also link multiple Eggdrop bots together to form a botnet. This can allow bots to
op each other securely, control floods efficiently, and even link channels across multiple
IRC networks. It also allows the Eggdrops share user lists, ban lists, exempt/invite
lists, and ignore lists with other bots if userfile sharing is enabled. This allows users
to have the same access on every bot on your botnet. It also allows the bots to distribute
tasks such as opping and banning users. See doc/BOTNET for information on setting up a

Eggdrop needs a config file to run. For an example, have a look at eggdrop.conf which is
distributed with Eggdrop.


-h Display a list of command-line options.

-n Don't background. Normally, Eggdrop will move itself into the background when you
start it up, meaning you'll get another shell prompt, and you can do other things
while the bot is running. With -n, you won't return to the shell prompt until the
bot exits (which won't normally happen until it's killed). By default, -n will send
all log entries to the console.

-nt Don't background, use terminal. This is just like -n, except that instead of seeing
log entries, your console will simulate a DCC chat with the bot.

-nc Don't background, show channel info. This is just like -n, except that instead of
seeing log entries, every 10 seconds your screen will clear and you will see the
current channel status, sort of like "top".

-m Create userfile. If you don't have a userfile, this will make Eggdrop create one
and give owner status to the first person that introduces himself or herself to it.
You'll need to do this when you first set up your bot.

-v Show version info, then quit.


This signal is ignored by Eggdrop and can be used to determine whether it's running
or not.

Depending on die-on-sigterm being set to 0 or 1 in the config file, Eggdrop will
save its user and channel file and/or die.

SIGHUP Depending on die-on-sighup being set to 0 or 1 in the config file, Eggdrop will
rehash (reload its config file) or die.


This variable can be set to the language in which you want Eggdrop to speak
to you. It defaults to English, but German, French, Finnish, and Danish are
supported, too.

Specifies the directory where all your language files are stored. The default is

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