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epstopdf, repstopdf - convert an EPS file to PDF


epstopdf [options] [epsfile]


By default, epstopdf converts the input PostScript file to PDF, using Ghostscript.

Epstopdf transforms the Encapsulated PostScript file epsfile (or standard input) so that
it is guaranteed to start at the 0,0 coordinate, and it sets a page size exactly
corresponding to the BoundingBox. Thus, the result needs no cropping, and the PDF
MediaBox is correct.

PJL commands at the start of a file are removed. DOS EPS binary files (TN 5002) are

If the bounding box in the input is incorrect, of course there will be resulting problems.


Options may start with either "-" or "--", and may be unambiguously abbreviated. It is
best to use the full option name in scripts, though, to avoid possible collisions with new
options in the future.

General script options:

--help display help message and exit

display version information and exit

write result to file. If this option is not given, and --nogs or --filter is
specified, write to standard output; otherwise, the default is to construct the
output file name by replacing any extension in the input file with `.pdf'.

write debugging info (default: off).

scan ExactBoundingBox (default: off).

read standard input and (unless --outfile is given) write standard output (default:

run Ghostscript (default: on). With --nogs, output (to standard output by default)
the PostScript that would normally be converted; that is, the input PostScript as
modified by epstopdf.

scan HiresBoundingBox (default: off).

turn on restricted mode (default: [on for repstopdf, else off]); this forbids the
use of --gscmd and --gsopt and imposes restrictions on the input and output file
names according to the values of openin_any and openout_any (see the Web2c manual,

Options for Ghostscript (more info below):

pipe output to val (default: [gswin32c on Windows, else gs])

include val as one argument in the gs command (can be repeated),

split val at whitespace, include each resulting word as an argument in the gs
command (can be repeated)

set AutoRotatePages (default: None); recognized val choices: None, All, PageByPage.
For EPS files, PageByPage is equivalent to All.

use compression in the output (default: on).

use -sDEVICE=dev (default: pdfwrite); not all devices are allowed in restricted

embed fonts (default: on).

use -dPDFSETTINGS=/val (default is `prepress' if --embed, else empty); recognized
val choices: screen, ebook, printer, prepress, default.

use -q, a.k.a. -dQUIET (default: off).

--res=dpi, dpixdpi
set image resolution (default: [use gs default]); ignored if --debug is set.

use -d(NO)QUIET (default: true).

In addition to the specific options above, additional options to be used with gs can be
specified with either or both of the two cumulative options --gsopts and --gsopt.

--gsopts takes a single string of options, which is split at whitespace, each resulting
word then added to the gs command line individually.

--gsopt adds its argument as a single option to the gs command line. It can be used
multiple times to specify options separately, and is necessary if an option or its value
contains whitespace.

In restricted mode, options are limited to those with names and values known to be safe;
some options taking booleans, integers or fixed names are allowed, those taking general
strings are not.


Examples all equivalently converting `test.eps' to `test.pdf':
epstopdf test.eps
cat test.eps | epstopdf --filter >test.pdf
cat test.eps | epstopdf -f -o=test.pdf

Example for using HiResBoundingBox instead of BoundingBox:
epstopdf --hires test.eps

Example for producing epstopdf's attempt at corrected PostScript:
$program --nogs test.ps >testcorr.ps

In all cases, you can add --debug (-d) to see more about what epstopdf is doing.

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