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erubis - Online in the Cloud

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erubis - eRuby style template engine for multiple languages


erubis [..options..] [file ...]


Embedded templating engine for multiple languages. Erubis will take a template file as
input and output code to convey that data in the language specified. The following output
languages are supported:

* Ruby
* C
* Java
* Scheme
* Perl
* JavaScript


-h, --help

-v version

-x show converted code

-X show converted code, only ruby code and no text part

-N numbering: add line numbers (for '-x/-X')

-U unique: compress empty lines to a line (for '-x/-X')

-C compact: remove empty lines (for '-x/-X')

-b body only: no preamble nor postamble (for '-x/-X')

-z syntax checking

-e escape (equal to '--E Escape')

-p pattern
embedded pattern (default '<% %>')

-l lang
convert but no execute (ruby/php/c/java/scheme/perl/js)

-E e1,e2,...
enhancer names (Escape, PercentLine, BiPattern, ...)

-I path
library include path

-K kanji
kanji code (euc/sjis/utf8) (default none)

-c context
context data string (yaml inline style or ruby code)

-f datafile
context data file ('*.yaml', '*.yml', or '*.rb')

-T don't expand tab characters in YAML file

-S convert mapping key from string to symbol in YAML file

-B invoke 'result(binding)' instead of 'evaluate(context)'

parse '<?name ... ?>' instead of '<% ... %>'

supported properties:
* (common)

: escape function name

--pattern="<% %>"
: embed pattern

: trim spaces around <% ... %>

: preamble (no preamble when false)

: postamble (no postamble when false)

: escape expression or not in default

* (basic) * (pi)

: PI (Processing Instrunctions) name

: char for embedded expression pattern('@{...}@')

* ruby * php * c

: indent spaces (ex. ' ')

: output file pointer name

* java

: indent spaces (ex. ' ')

: output buffer name

--bufclass="StringBuffer" : output buffer class (ex. 'StringBuilder')

* scheme

: function name (ex. 'display')

* perl

: function name

* javascript

: use 'document.write()' when true


Run 'erubis -l php example.ephp' to convert the embedded document to php code.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<p>Hello <%= $user %>!</p>
<% $i = 0; %>
<% foreach ($list as $item) { %>
<% $i++; %>
<tr bgcolor="<%= $i % 2 == 0 ? '#FFCCCC' : '#CCCCFF' %>">
<td><%= $i %></td>
<td><%== $item %></td>
<% } %>

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