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fossil - Distributed Version Control System


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Fossil is a distributed version control system (DVCS) with built-in wiki, ticket tracker,
CGI/http interface, and http server.

Available COMMANDs:

add co info rename ticket
addremove commit init revert timeline
all configuration leaves rm ui
annotate deconstruct ls scrub undo
artifact delete merge search unset
bisect descendants mv server update
branch diff new settings user
cgi export open sha1sum version
changes extras pull sqlite3 wiki
checkout finfo push stash winsrv
ci gdiff rebuild status zip
clean help reconstruct sync
clone http redo tag
close import remote-url tarball


Features as described on the fossil home page.

1. Bug Tracking And Wiki - In addition to doing distributed version control like Git and
Mercurial, Fossil also supports distributed bug tracking, distributed wiki, and a
distributed blog mechanism all in a single integrated package.

2. Web Interface - Fossil has a built-in and easy-to-use web interface that simplifies
project tracking and promotes situational awareness. Simply type "fossil ui" from
within any check-out and Fossil automatically opens your web browser in a page that
gives detailed graphical history and status information on that project.

3. Autosync - Fossil supports "autosync" mode which helps to keep projects moving forward
by reducing the amount of needless forking and merging often associated with
distributed projects.

4. Self-Contained - Fossil is a single stand-alone executable that contains everything
needed to do configuration management. Installation is trivial: simply download a
precompiled binary for Linux, Mac, or Windows and put it on your $PATH. Easy-to-
compile source code is available for users on other platforms. Fossil sources are
also mostly self-contained, requiring only the "zlib" library and the standard C
library to build.

5. Simple Networking - Fossil uses plain old HTTP (with proxy support) for all network
communications, meaning that it works fine from behind restrictive firewalls. The
protocol is bandwidth efficient to the point that Fossil can be used comfortably
over a dial-up internet connection.

6. CGI Enabled - No server is required to use fossil. But a server does make
collaboration easier. Fossil supports three different yet simple server
configurations. The most popular is a 2-line CGI script. This is the approach used
by the self-hosting fossil repositories.

7. Robust & Reliable - Fossil stores content using an enduring file format in an SQLite
database so that transactions are atomic even if interrupted by a power loss or
system crash. Furthermore, automatic self-checks verify that all aspects of the
repository are consistent prior to each commit. In over three years of operation,
no work has ever been lost after having been committed to a Fossil repository.


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