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g.gui.animationgrass - Online in the Cloud

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g.gui.animation - Tool for animating a series of raster and vector maps or a space time
raster or vector dataset.


general, GUI, display, animation


g.gui.animation --help
g.gui.animation [raster=name[,name,...]] [vector=name[,name,...]] [strds=name]
[stvds=name] [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--ui]

Print usage summary

Verbose module output

Quiet module output

Force launching GUI dialog

Raster maps to animate

Vector maps to animate
Or data source(s) for direct OGR access

Space time raster dataset to animate

Space time vector dataset to animate


The Animation Tool is a wxGUI component for animating series of GRASS raster or vector
maps or space time datasets (created by t.* modules).

Animation Tool allows you to:

· display up to 4 synchronized animations

· each animation can consist of base map layer(s) and (multiple) series in arbitrary
order (for example, raising water level with elevation)

· control the animation speed

· interactively change active frame using a slider

· visualize space time datasets with unequally spaced intervals

· animate 3d view (partially implemented, not supported on Windows)

· export animation as a series of images, animated GIF, AVI or SWF

· choose format of time labels in case of animating maps with absolute time

· choose background color

· set starting and ending region in order to change region during animation
(alternatively you can set N-S/E-W values instead of the ending region; these are
used for making the region smaller or larger for each step)

3D view animation enables to animate raster (as an elevation map or a color map) or vector
map (points, lines). Internally, module m.nviz.image is used. To display 3D view
animation follow these steps:

· open GRASS GUI, load maps and start 3D view

· set view, light and other parameters as you like

· save workspace file

· add new animation in Animation Tool, choose 3D view mode

· choose data (series of maps or space time dataset) used for animation

· set workspace file

· choose parameter (parameter of m.nviz.image) to animate (e.g. color_map)


The Animation Tool follows the computational region settings, so please be sure your
computational region is set to the geographic extent of maps you are animating. You can
change the computational region (using g.region) and then reload the maps to update the


g.gui.animation raster=rmap1,rmap2,rmap3
g.gui.animation vector=vmap1,vmap2,vmap3
g.gui.animation strds=precipitation_2000_2010
The loading of a series of maps into the Animation Tool can be simplified with g.list
(back ticks syntax works for Linux and Mac only):
g.gui.animation raster=`g.list type=raster mapset=. separator=comma pattern="precip*"`
Using extended regular expressions, the list of a series of raster maps can be subset by
e.g., numeric range (here: precipitation for the years 1997-2012):
g.gui.animation raster=`g.list -e type=raster mapset=. separator=comma pattern="precip_total.(199[7-9]|200[0-9]|201[0-2]).sum"`

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