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gfscompare2D - Online in the Cloud

Run gfscompare2D in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command gfscompare2D that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



gfscompare2D, gfscompare3D - computes the difference between the solutions in FILE1 and
FILE2 for variable VAR.


gfscompare [OPTION]FILE


This manual page documents briefly the gfscompare command.


These programs follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with
two dashes (`-'). A summary of options is included below.

-x, --mixed
Compute error only in mixed cells.

-m V, --min=V
Set minimum of color scale to V (used with -S).

-M V, --max=V
Set maximum of color scale to V.

-a, --abs
Output the absolute value of the error field.

-C, --constant
Apply a constant shift to one of the field, minimizing the error between the two
fields (useful for pressure).

-w, --not-weighted
Do not use area-weighted norm estimation.

-c, --centered
Use error estimation for cell-centered variables.

-p P, --period=P
Shifts FILE1 by P along the x axis.

-H, --histogram
Output (error,volume) pairs for each cell used to compute the error norms.

-o, --output
Output a GTS representation of the error field.

-S, --squares
Output an OOGL representation of the error field.

-G, --gnuplot
Output a gnuplot representation of the error field.

-t, --triangulate
Use center of mass triangulation.

-l, --log
Output the log10 of the absolute value of the error field.

-f L, --full=L
Compare only leaf cells descendants of a cell full at level L or all full leaf
cells if L = -1.

-r, --refined
Display error norm on the finest grid.

-n, --nocheck
Do not check solid fractions.

-g C, --gradient=C
Use the C component of the gradient of VAR.

-v, --verbose
Display difference statistics and other info.

-h, --help
Display the help and exit.

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