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globus-url-copy - Online in the Cloud

Run globus-url-copy in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command globus-url-copy that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



globus-url-copy - globus-url-copy


globus-url-copy [options] SOURCE-URL DESTINATION-URL


The globus-url-copy program is a command line tool for multi-protocol data movement. It
supports gsiftp:// (GridFTP), ftp://, http://, https://, sshftp:// and file:/// protocol
specifiers in the URL.


-help, -usage
Print help.

Print the versions of all modules that this program uses

-c, -continue-on-error
Do not die after any errors. By default, program will exit after most errors.

-a, -ascii
Convert the file to/from ASCII format to/from local file format

-b, -binary
Do not apply any conversion to the files. default

Read a list of URL pairs from filename. Each line should contain sourceURL destURL.
Enclose URLs with spaces in double qoutes ("). Blank lines and lines beginning with #
will be ignored.

-cd, -create-dest
Create destination directory if needed.

Copy files in subdirectories

Recommended when using GridFTP servers. Use MODE E for all data transfers, including
reusing data channels between list and transfer operations.

Run the transfer for this number of seconds and then end. Useful for performance
testing or forced restart loops.

-q, -quiet
Suppress all output for successful operation.

-v, -verbose
Display URLs being transferred

-vb, -verbose-perf
During the transfer, display the number of bytes transferred and the transfer rate per
second. Show URLs being transferred

-dbg, -debugftp
Debug ftp connections. Prints control channel communication to stderr

-rst, -restart
Restart failed ftp operations.

-rst-retries RETRIES
The maximum number of times to retry the operation before giving up on the transfer.
Use 0 for infinite. Default is 5.

-rst-interval SECONDS
The interval in seconds to wait after a failure before retrying the transfer. Use 0
for an exponential backoff. Default is 0.

-rst-timeout SECONDS
Maximum time after a failure to keep retrying. Use 0 for no timeout. Default is 0.

-stall-timeout SECONDS, -st SECONDS
How long before cancelling/restarting a transfer with no data movement. Set to 0 to
disable. Default is 600 seconds.

-df FILENAME, -dumpfile FILENAME
Path to a file where untransferred URLs will be saved for later restarting. Resulting
file is the same format as the -f input file. If file exists, it will be read and all
other URL input will be ignored.

-do FILENAME, -dump-only FILENAME
Perform no write operations on the destination. Instead, all files that would be
transferred are enumerated and dumped to the specified file. Resulting file is the
same format as the -f input file. Note: if you intend to use this file as input for a
future transfer, the -create-dest option will be required if any destination
directories do not already exist.

-rp, -relative-paths
The path portion of ftp URLs will be interpreted as relative to the user’s starting
directory on the server. By default, all paths are root-relative. When this flag is
set, the path portion of the ftp URL must start with %2F if it designates a
root-relative path.

-s SUBJECT, -subject SUBJECT
Use this subject to match with both the source and dest servers.

-ss SUBJECT, -source-subject SUBJECT
Use this subject to match with the source server

-ds SUBJECT, -dest-subject SUBJECT
Use this subject to match with the destination server.

-tcp-bs SIZE, -tcp-buffer-size SIZE
Specify the size (in bytes) of the buffer to be used by the underlying ftp data

-bs block SIZE, -block-size block SIZE
Specify the size (in bytes) of the buffer to be used by the underlying transfer

Specify the number of parallel data connections should be used.

-notpt, -no-third-party-transfers
Turn third-party transfers off (on by default).

-nodcau, -no-data-channel-authentication
Turn off data channel authentication for ftp transfers.

-dcsafe, -data-channel-safe
Set data channel protection mode to SAFE

-dcpriv, -data-channel-private
Set data channel protection mode to PRIVATE

-off, -partial-offset
Offset for partial ftp file transfers, defaults to 0.

-len, -partial-length
Length for partial ftp file transfers, used only for the source url, defaults the full

-list URL
List the files located at URL.

Enable striped transfers on supported servers.

-striped-block-size, -sbs
Set layout mode and block size for striped transfers. If not set, server defaults will
be used. If set to 0, Partitioned mode will be used. If set to > 0, Blocked mode will
be used, with this as the block size.

Use ipv6 when available (EXPERIMENTAL)

Use UDT, a reliable udp based transport protocol, for data transfers

-g2, -gridftp2
Use GridFTP v2 protocol enhancements when possible.

-dp, -delayed-pasv
Enable delayed passive.

-mn NAME, -module-name NAME
Set the back-end storage module to use for both the source and destination in a
GridFTP transfer.

-mp PARAMETERS, -module-parameters PARAMETERS
Set the back-end storage module arguments to use for both the source and destination
in a GridFTP transfer.

-smn NAME, -src-module-name NAME
Set the back-end storage module to use for the source in a GridFTP transfer.

-smp PARAMETERS, -src-module-parameters PARAMETERS
Set the back-end storage module arguments to use for the source in a GridFTP transfer.

-dmn NAME, -dst-module-name NAME
Set the back-end storage module to use for the destination in a GridFTP transfer.

-dmp PARAMETERS, -dst-module-parameters PARAMETERS
Set the back-end storage module arguments to use for the destination in a GridFTP

-aa FILE, -authz-assert FILE
Use the assertions in FILE to authorize the access with both source and destination

-saa FILE, -src-authz-assert FILE
Use the assertions in this file to authorize the access with source server.

-daa FILE, -dst-authz-assert FILE
Use the assertions in this file to authorize the access with dest server.

-cache-aa, -cache-authz-assert
Cache the authz assertion for subsequent transfers.

-cache-saa, -cache-src-authz-assert
Cache the src authz assertion for subsequent transfers.

-cache-daa, -cache-dst-authz-assert
Cache the dst authz assertion for subsequent transfers.

-pipeline, -pp
Enable pipelining support for multi-file ftp transfers. Currently third-party
transfers benefit from this. EXPERIMENTAL

-concurrency, -cc
Number of concurrent ftp connections to use for multiple transfers.

-nl-bottleneck, -nlb
Use NetLogger to estimate speeds of disk and network read/write system calls, and
attempt to determine the bottleneck component.

-sp COMMANDS, -src-pipe COMMANDS
Set the source end of a remote transfer to use piped in input with the given command
line. Do not use with -fsstack.

Set the destination end of a remote transfer to write data to then standard input of
the program run via the given command line. Do not use with -fsstack.

Sets both -src-pipe and -dst-pipe to the same thing.

-dcstack STACK, -data-channel-stack STACK
Set the XIO driver stack for the network on both the source and the destination. Both
must be GridFTP servers. The stack should contain all network drivers to use, in the
order specified from bottom to top (e.g. -dcstack tcp,gsi). If the gsi driver is not
included in the stack and data channel authentication is enabled, it will be inserted
above the transport driver in the stack.

-fsstack STACK, -file-system-stack STACK
Set the XIO driver stack for the disk on both the source and the destination. Both
must be GridFTP servers. The stack should contain all file system drivers to use, in
the order specified from bottom to top.

-src-dcstack STACK, -source-data-channel-stack STACK
Set the XIO driver stack for the network on the source GridFTP server. See -dcstack
above for description of the STACK string.

-src-fsstack STACK, -source-file-system-stack STACK
Set the XIO driver stack for the disk on the source GridFTP server. See -fsstack above
for description of the STACK string.

-dst-dcstack STACK, -dest-data-channel-stack STACK
Set the XIO driver stack for the network on the destination GridFTP server. See
-dcstack above for description of the STACK string.

-dst-fsstack STACK, -dest-file-system-stack STACK
Set the XIO driver stack for the disk on the destination GridFTP server. See -fsstack
above for description of the STACK string.

-cred PATH
Set the credentials to use for both ftp connections.

-src-cred CRED-FILE, -sc CRED-FILE
Set the credentials to use for source ftp connections.

-dst-cred CRED-FILE, -dc CRED-FILE
Set the credentials to use for destination ftp connections.

-af FILENAME, -alias-file FILENAME
File with mapping of logical host aliases to lists of physical hosts. When used with
multiple concurrent connections, each connection uses the next host in the list. Each
line should either be an alias, noted with the @ symbol, or a hostname[:port].
Currently, only the aliases @source and @destination are valid, and they are used for
every source or destination URL.

Only transfer files where the destination does not exist or differs from the source.
-sync-level controls how to determine if files differ.

-sync-level number
Criteria for determining if files differ when performing a sync transfer. The default
sync level is 2. The available levels are:

· Level 0 will only transfer if the destination does not exist.

· Level 1 will transfer if the size of the destination does not match the size of
the source.

· Level 2 will transfer if the time stamp of the destination is older than the time
stamp of the source.

· Level 3 will perform a checksum of the source and destination and transfer if the
checksums do not match.

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