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hpiel - An openhpi sample application that displays HPI event log entries.


hpiel [ -d -e -c -p -r -x -v -h ]


hpiel searches the RPT (Resource Present Table) for resources with
SAHPI_CAPABILITY_EVENT_LOG and displays event log entries for resources found.


--del, -d display domain event log entries
--entitypath="<arg>", -e "<arg>" display resource event log entries
(e.g. -e "{SYSTEM_CHASSIS,2}{SBC_BLADE,5}")
--clear, -c clear log before reading event log entries
--resource, -p pull resource info along with log entry
--rdr, -r pull RDR info along with log entry
--xml, -x print output in xml format (not implemented)
--verbose, -v print debug messages
--help, -h print this usage message

If neither -d or -e "<arg>" are specified, event log entries will be shown
for all supporting resources by default.

HPI APIs uniquely used in this application

SaErrorT SAHPI_API saHpiEventLogInfoGet (
SAHPI_IN SaHpiSessionIdT SessionId,
SAHPI_IN SaHpiResourceIdT ResourceId,
SAHPI_OUT SaHpiEventLogInfoT *Info );

SaErrorT SAHPI_API saHpiEventLogEntryGet (
SAHPI_IN SaHpiSessionIdT SessionId,
SAHPI_IN SaHpiResourceIdT ResourceId,
SAHPI_IN SaHpiEventLogEntryIdT EntryId,
SAHPI_OUT SaHpiEventLogEntryIdT *PrevEntryId,
SAHPI_OUT SaHpiEventLogEntryIdT *NextEntryId,
SAHPI_OUT SaHpiEventLogEntryT *EventLogEntry,
SAHPI_INOUT SaHpiRptEntryT *RptEntry );

SaErrorT SAHPI_API saHpiEventLogClear (
SAHPI_IN SaHpiSessionIdT SessionId,
SAHPI_IN SaHpiResourceIdT ResourceId );

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