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ident - identify RCS keyword strings in files


ident [ -q ] [ -V ] [ file ... ]


ident searches for all instances of the pattern $keyword: text $ in the named files or, if
no files are named, the standard input.

These patterns are normally inserted automatically by the RCS command co(1), but can also
be inserted manually. The option -q suppresses the warning given if there are no patterns
in a file. The option -V prints RCS's version number.

ident works on text files as well as object files and dumps. For example, if the C
program in f.c contains

#include <stdio.h>
static char const rcsid[] =
"$Id: f.c,v 5.4 1993/11/09 17:40:15 eggert Exp $";
int main() { return printf("%s\n", rcsid) == EOF; }

and f.c is compiled into f.o, then the command

ident f.c f.o

will output

$Id: f.c,v 5.4 1993/11/09 17:40:15 eggert Exp $
$Id: f.c,v 5.4 1993/11/09 17:40:15 eggert Exp $

If a C program defines a string like rcsid above but does not use it, lint(1) may
complain, and some C compilers will optimize away the string. The most reliable solution
is to have the program use the rcsid string, as shown in the example above.

ident finds all instances of the $keyword: text $ pattern, even if keyword is not actually
an RCS-supported keyword. This gives you information about nonstandard keywords like

The pattern normally requires a colon and a space immediately after the keyword and a
space immediately before the terminating $, but for Subversion 1.2 (and later)
compatibility, ident will also recognize the pattern $keyword:: text $ (i.e., two colons
and a space) and the pattern $keyword:: text #$ (likewise, with a hash before the
terminating $). These are the fixed-width keyword syntax. To summarize, the three
recognized patterns are:

$keyword: text $
$keyword:: text $
$keyword:: text #$


Here is the list of keywords currently maintained by co(1). All times are given in
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC, sometimes called GMT) by default, but if the files were
checked out with co's -zzone option, times are given with a numeric time zone indication

The login name of the user who checked in the revision.

$Date$ The date and time the revision was checked in.

A standard header containing the full RCS file name, the revision number, the date
and time, the author, the state, and the locker (if locked).

$Id$ Same as $Header$, except that the RCS file name is without directory components.

The login name of the user who locked the revision (empty if not locked).

$Log$ The log message supplied during checkin. For ident's purposes, this is equivalent
to $RCSfile$.

$Name$ The symbolic name used to check out the revision, if any.

The RCS file name without directory components.

The revision number assigned to the revision.

The full RCS file name.

The state assigned to the revision with the -s option of rcs(1) or ci(1).

co(1) represents the following characters in keyword values by escape sequences to keep
keyword strings well-formed.

char escape sequence
tab \t
newline \n
space \040
$ \044
\ \\


Author: Walter F. Tichy.
Manual Page Revision: 5.9.4; Release Date: 2015-06-21.
Copyright © 2010-2015 Thien-Thi Nguyen.
Copyright © 1990, 1992, 1993 Paul Eggert.
Copyright © 1982, 1988, 1989 Walter F. Tichy.

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