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imgvinfo - extract and display interesting things from a Pilot Image Viewer pdb header,
version 2.0.


imgvinfo [-h] [-v] [-t fmt] [-{u|l}] [in [...]]


imgvinfo is a simple tool for extracting and displaying a couple things from a Pilot Image
Viewer pdb file; the name, creation time, last modified time, last backup time, version,
type, last position, anchor position, image size, and the note (if present) are extracted
and printed on the standard output.

The creation time and mod time are incorrect most of the time; all of the Image Viewer pdb
files that I've come across have 1907-08-16 19:38:22 (UTC) here and that makes no sense at
all. However, if you've created an image pdb with pgmtoimgv(1) or pbmtoimgv(1), these
times will be correct.

This program was originally written to test some .pdb header parsing code but it may be a
usefull little tool anyway.


-h Display a short usage message and exit.

-v Display the version and exit.

-t fmt Specify the time format. The default is "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" (the ISO8601
standard). See strftime(3) for the available format codes.

-u Output times in UTC rather than the local time zone.

-l Output times in the local time zone (default).

in The input file. The standard input is read by default. A file name of - means the
standard input.

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