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jeuclid-cli - Online in the Cloud

Run jeuclid-cli in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command jeuclid-cli that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



usage: - manual page for usage: jeuclid-cli <source file(s)> <target file/directory>


usage: jeuclid-cli <source file(s)> <target file/directory> [options] source is the path
to the source file (MathML or ODF format) target is the path to the target file /
directory If multiple source files are given, target must be a directory

-antiAlias <boolean>
anti-alias mode [default: true]

-antiAliasMinSize <float>
minimum font size for which anti-alias is turned on [default: 10.0]

-backgroundColor <color>
default background color (mathbackground)

-debug <boolean>
debug mode - if on, elements will have borders drawn around them [default: false]

-display <BLOCK|INLINE>
display style [default: BLOCK]

-fontsDoublestruck <list>
list of font families for Double-Struck [default: MSBM10, Mathematica7, Caslon Open
Face, Caslon Openface, Cloister Open Face, Academy Engraved LET, Colonna MT,
Imprint MT Shadow]

-fontsFraktur <list>
list of font families for Fraktur [default: EUFM10, Mathematica6, FetteFraktur,
Fette Fraktur, Euclid Fraktur, Lucida Blackletter, Blackmoor LET]

-fontSize <float>
font size used for the output (mathsize) [default: 12.0]

-fontsMonospaced <list>
list of font families for Monospaced [default: Andale Mono, Courier, Courier Mono,
Courier New, Lucida Sans Typewriter, DejaVu Sans Mono, DejaVuSansMono, Bitstream
Vera Sans Mono, Luxi Mono, FreeMono, monospaced]

-fontsSansSerif <list>
list of font families for Sans-Serif [default: Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, Arial
Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Sans, Lucida Grande, DejaVu Sans,
DejaVuSans, Bitstream Vera Sans, Luxi Sans, FreeSans, sansserif]

-fontsScript <list>
list of font families for Script [default: EUSM10, cmsy10, Math5, Mathematica5,
Savoye LET, Brush Script MT, Zapfino, Apple Chancery, Edwardian Script ITC, Lucida
Handwriting, Monotype Corsiva, Santa Fe LET]

-fontsSerif <list>
list of font families for Serif [default: Constantina, Cambria, Times, Times New
Roman, Lucida Bright, DejaVu Serif, DejaVuSerif, Bitstream Vera Serif, Luxi Serif,
FreeSerif, serif]

-foregroundColor <color>
default foreground color (mathcolor) [default: black]

-mfracKeepScriptLevel <boolean>
if true, <mfrac> element will NEVER increase children's scriptlevel (in violation
of the spec) [default: false]

-outFileType <arg>
output file mime type [default: derived from the target file's extention];
available values are: image/jpeg image/png image/x-png image/vnd.wap.wbmp
image/svg+xml image/gif image/bmp

-scriptLevel <integer>
script level [default: 0]

-scriptMinSize <float>
font size to be used for smallest script [default: 8.0]

-scriptSizeMult <float>
script size multiplier [default: 0.71]

Example: jeuclid-cli a.mml a.png -backgroundColor white

source is the path to the source file (MathML or ODF format) target is the path to the
target file / directory If multiple source files are given, target must be a directory

-antiAlias <boolean>
anti-alias mode [default: true]

-antiAliasMinSize <float>
minimum font size for which anti-alias is turned on [default: 10.0]

-backgroundColor <color>
default background color (mathbackground)

-debug <boolean>
debug mode - if on, elements will have borders drawn around them [default: false]

-display <BLOCK|INLINE>
display style [default: BLOCK]

-fontsDoublestruck <list>
list of font families for Double-Struck [default: MSBM10, Mathematica7, Caslon Open
Face, Caslon Openface, Cloister Open Face, Academy Engraved LET, Colonna MT,
Imprint MT Shadow]

-fontsFraktur <list>
list of font families for Fraktur [default: EUFM10, Mathematica6, FetteFraktur,
Fette Fraktur, Euclid Fraktur, Lucida Blackletter, Blackmoor LET]

-fontSize <float>
font size used for the output (mathsize) [default: 12.0]

-fontsMonospaced <list>
list of font families for Monospaced [default: Andale Mono, Courier, Courier Mono,
Courier New, Lucida Sans Typewriter, DejaVu Sans Mono, DejaVuSansMono, Bitstream
Vera Sans Mono, Luxi Mono, FreeMono, monospaced]

-fontsSansSerif <list>
list of font families for Sans-Serif [default: Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, Arial
Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Sans, Lucida Grande, DejaVu Sans,
DejaVuSans, Bitstream Vera Sans, Luxi Sans, FreeSans, sansserif]

-fontsScript <list>
list of font families for Script [default: EUSM10, cmsy10, Math5, Mathematica5,
Savoye LET, Brush Script MT, Zapfino, Apple Chancery, Edwardian Script ITC, Lucida
Handwriting, Monotype Corsiva, Santa Fe LET]

-fontsSerif <list>
list of font families for Serif [default: Constantina, Cambria, Times, Times New
Roman, Lucida Bright, DejaVu Serif, DejaVuSerif, Bitstream Vera Serif, Luxi Serif,
FreeSerif, serif]

-foregroundColor <color>
default foreground color (mathcolor) [default: black]

-mfracKeepScriptLevel <boolean>
if true, <mfrac> element will NEVER increase children's scriptlevel (in violation
of the spec) [default: false]

-outFileType <arg>
output file mime type [default: derived from the target file's extention];
available values are: image/jpeg image/png image/x-png image/vnd.wap.wbmp
image/svg+xml image/gif image/bmp

-scriptLevel <integer>
script level [default: 0]

-scriptMinSize <float>
font size to be used for smallest script [default: 8.0]

-scriptSizeMult <float>
script size multiplier [default: 0.71]

Example: jeuclid-cli a.mml a.png -backgroundColor white

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