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ktutilmgr - command line interface of miscellaneous utilities


The command `ktutilmgr' is a tool of miscellaneous utilities, and to show the
configuration. This command is used in the following format. `url' specifies the target
URL. `proc' specifies the name of the procedure to call. `name' and `value' specify a
pair of the key and the value of an input parameter. `path' specifies the path of a

ktutilmgr date [-ds str] [-jl num] [-wf] [-rf]
Prints date information. By default, prints the current UNIX time.
ktutilmgr http [-get|-head|-post|-put|-delete] [-body file] [-ah name value] [-qs
name value] [-tout num] [-ph] [-ec num] url
Performs an HTTP session.
ktutilmgr rpc [-host str] [-port num] [-tout num] [-ienc str] [-oenc str] proc
[name value ...]
Performs an RPC session.
ktutilmgr ulog [-ts num] [-uw] [-uf] path
Prints update logs.
ktutilmgr conf [-v|-i|-l|-p]
Shows the configuration of Kyoto Tycoon.
ktutilmgr version
Shows the version information of Kyoto Tycoon.

Options feature the following.

-ds str : specifies the datetime string.
-jl num : specifies the jet lag.
-wf : formats the output in W3CDTF.
-rf : formats the output in RFC 1123 format.
-get : uses the GET method.
-head : uses the HEAD method.
-post : uses the POST method.
-put : uses the PUT method.
-delete : uses the DELETE method.
-body file : sends the entity body of the content the file.
-ah name value : adds an HTTP header.
-qs name value : adds a key/value pair to the query string.
-tout num : specifies the timeout in seconds.
-ph : prints response headers.
-ec num : reports error if the response code is not the same as the expected.
-host str : specifies the host name of the server.
-port num : specifies the port number of the server.
-ienc str : specifies the encoding of the input data.
-oenc str : specifies the encoding of the output data.
-ts num : specifies the maximum time stamp of already read logs. "now" means the
current time stamp.
-uw : waits for update forever.
-uf : prints status of each update log file.
-v : show the version number of Kyoto Tycoon.
-i : show options to include the headers of Tokyo Tycoon.
-l : show options to link the library of Tokyo Tycoon.
-p : show the directory path of the commands.

This command returns 0 on success, another on failure.

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