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kvno - Online in the Cloud

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kvno - print key version numbers of Kerberos principals


kvno [-c ccache] [-e etype] [-q] [-h] [-P] [-S sname] [-U for_user] service1 service2 ...


kvno acquires a service ticket for the specified Kerberos principals and prints out the
key version numbers of each.


-c ccache
Specifies the name of a credentials cache to use (if not the default)

-e etype
Specifies the enctype which will be requested for the session key of all the
services named on the command line. This is useful in certain backward
compatibility situations.

-q Suppress printing output when successful. If a service ticket cannot be obtained,
an error message will still be printed and kvno will exit with nonzero status.

-h Prints a usage statement and exits.

-P Specifies that the service1 service2 ... arguments are to be treated as services
for which credentials should be acquired using constrained delegation. This option
is only valid when used in conjunction with protocol transition.

-S sname
Specifies that the service1 service2 ... arguments are interpreted as hostnames,
and the service principals are to be constructed from those hostnames and the
service name sname. The service hostnames will be canonicalized according to the
usual rules for constructing service principals.

-U for_user
Specifies that protocol transition (S4U2Self) is to be used to acquire a ticket on
behalf of for_user. If constrained delegation is not requested, the service name
must match the credentials cache client principal.


kvno uses the following environment variable:

Location of the credentials (ticket) cache.

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