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lt-expand - Online in the Cloud

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lt-expand - This application is part of the lexical processing modules and tools (
lttoolbox )

This tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture:


lt-expand [ -a | -v | -l | -r | -h ] dictionary_file [output_file]

lt-expand [ --alt | --var | --var-left | --var-right | --help ] dictionary_file


lt-expand Is the application responsible for expanding a dictionary into a simple list of
input string-output string pairs by eliminating paradigms through substitution and

The output goes to output_file if it is present or to standard output if it is missing.


-a, --alt
Sets the value of the alt attribute to use in expansion

-v, --var
Sets the value of the v attribute to use in expansion of monodixes

-l, --var-left
Sets the value of the vl attribute to use in expansion of bidixes

-r, --var-right
Sets the value of the vr attribute to use in expansion of bidixes

-h, --help
Prints a short help message

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