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ltsconvert - convert and optionally minimise an LTS


ltsconvert [OPTION]... [INFILE [OUTFILE]]


Convert the labelled transition system (LTS) from INFILE to OUTFILE in the requested
format after applying the selected minimisation method (default is none). If OUTFILE is
not supplied, stdout is used. If INFILE is not supplied, stdin is used.

The output format is determined by the extension of OUTFILE, whereas the input format is
determined by the content of INFILE. Options --in and --out can be used to force the input
and output formats. The supported formats are:
'aut' for the Aldebaran format (CADP),
'dot' for the GraphViz format (no longer supported as input format),
'fsm' for the Finite State Machine format, or
'lts' for the mCRL2 LTS format (default)


OPTION can be any of the following:

-D, --determinise
determinise LTS

-eNAME, --equivalence=NAME
generate an equivalent LTS, preserving equivalence NAME: 'none' identity
equivalence (default) 'bisim' strong bisimilarity 'bisim-sig' strong bisimilarity
using signature refinement 'branching-bisim' branching bisimilarity 'branching-
bisim-sig' branching bisimilarity using signature refinement 'dpbranching-bisim'
divergence preserving branching bisimilarity 'dpbranching-bisim-sig' divergence
preserving branching bisimilarity using signature refinement 'weak-bisim' weak
bisimilarity 'weak-bisim-sig' weak bisimilarity using signature refinement 'dpweak-
bisim' divergence preserving weak bisimilarity 'dpweak-bisim-sig' divergence
preserving weak bisimilarity using signature refinement 'sim' strong simulation
equivalence 'trace' strong trace equivalence 'weak-trace' weak trace equivalence
'tau-star' tau star reduction

use FORMAT as the input format

-lFILE, --lps=FILE
use FILE as the LPS from which the input LTS was generated; this might be needed to
store the correct parameter names of states when saving in fsm format and to
convert non-mCRL2 LTSs to a mCRL2 LTS

do not perform a reachability check on the input LTS

-n, --no-state
leave out state information when saving in dot format

use FORMAT as the output format

consider actions with a name in the comma separated list ACTNAMES to be internal
(tau) actions in addition to those defined as such by the input

append timing measurements to FILE. Measurements are written to standard error if
no FILE is provided

Standard options:

-q, --quiet
do not display warning messages

-v, --verbose
display short intermediate messages

-d, --debug
display detailed intermediate messages

display intermediate messages up to and including level

-h, --help
display help information

display version information

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