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lxc-execute - Online in the Cloud

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This is the command lxc-execute that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



lxc-execute - run an application inside a container.


lxc-execute {-n name} [-f config_file] [-s KEY=VAL] [-- command]


lxc-execute runs the specified command inside the container specified by name.

It will setup the container according to the configuration previously defined with the
lxc-create command or with the configuration file parameter. If no configuration is
defined, the default isolation is used.

This command is mainly used when you want to quickly launch an application in an isolated

lxc-execute command will run the specified command into the container via an intermediate
process, lxc-init. This lxc-init after launching the specified command, will wait for its
end and all other reparented processes. (to support daemons in the container). In other
words, in the container, lxc-init has the pid 1 and the first process of the application
has the pid 2.

The above lxc-init is designed to forward received signals to the started command.


-f, --rcfile config_file
Specify the configuration file to configure the virtualization and isolation
functionalities for the container.

This configuration file if present will be used even if there is already a
configuration file present in the previously created container (via lxc-create).

-s, --define KEY=VAL
Assign value VAL to configuration variable KEY. This overrides any assignment done
in config_file.

-- Signal the end of options and disables further option processing. Any arguments
after the -- are treated as arguments to command.

This option is useful when you want specify options to command and don't want lxc-
execute to interpret them.


These options are common to most of lxc commands.

-?, -h, --help
Print a longer usage message than normal.

Give the usage message

-q, --quiet
mute on

-P, --lxcpath=PATH
Use an alternate container path. The default is /var/lib/lxc.

-o, --logfile=FILE
Output to an alternate log FILE. The default is no log.

-l, --logpriority=LEVEL
Set log priority to LEVEL. The default log priority is ERROR. Possible values are :

Note that this option is setting the priority of the events log in the alternate
log file. It do not have effect on the ERROR events log on stderr.

-n, --name=NAME
Use container identifier NAME. The container identifier format is an alphanumeric

Show the version number.


The container is busy
The specified container is already running an application. You should stop it
before reuse this container or create a new one.

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