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jconv - is a Convolution Engine for JACK using FFT-based partitioned convolution with
multiple partition sizes.


jconv [options][config-file][connect-file]


This manual page documents briefly the jconv program.

jconv is a Convolution Engine for JACK, based on FFT convolution using the convolution
engine for reverberation processing. This distributes the calculation over up to five
threads, one for each partition size, running at priorities just below the the one of
JACK's processing thread.

To run this program you need config file and wav file for convolution. Demo config files
you can find in /usr/share/jack-jconv/config-files directory.
(You have to edit path to your convolution wav file)
Set of wav files you can download from Fons Adriaensen's web pages
http://www.kokkinizita.net/linuxaudio/downloads/index.html (jconv-reverbs.tar.bz2) or you
can use another convolution files which are supported by libsndfile.

Some other info can be found in README and README.COFNFIG files in /usr/share/doc/jack-


A summary of options is included below.

-h Display short help

-v Print partition list to stdout [off]

-L <nframes>
Try to compensate <nframes> latency

-M Use the FFTW_MEASURE option [off]

-N <name>
Name to use as JACK client [jconv]

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