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ml-nlffigen - SML No Longer Foreign Function Interface tool


ml-nlffigen [option] -- file


This manual page documents briefly the ml-nlffigen command. This manual page was written
for the Debian distribution because the original program does not have a manual page.

ml-nlffigen, a glue-code generator for the new NLFFI foreign function interface. The
generator reads C source code and emits ML code along with a description file for CM.


A summary of options is included below.

-dir dir
-d d
Output directory where all generated files are placed. default: NLFFI-Generated.

Instructs ml-nlffigen to include all structs and unions, even those that are defined
in included files (as opposed to files explicitly listed as arguments). default: off.

-width w
-w w
Sets output line width (just a guess) to w. default: 75.

-smloption x
Instructs ml-nlffigen to include x into the list of options to annotate .sml entries
in the generated .cm file with. default: noguid.

Removes the default -noguid from the list of sml options. (This re-enables strict
handling of type- and object-identity but can have negative impact on CM cutoff
recompilation performance if the programmer routinely removes the entire tree of ml-
nlffigen-generated files during development.)

-lambdasplit x
-ls x
Instructs ml-nlffigen to generate "lambdasplit" options for all ML files (see CM
manual for what this means; it does not currently work anyway because cross-module
inlining is broken). default: nothing.

-target t
-t t
Sets the target to t (which must be one of "sparc-unix","x86-unix", or "x86-win32").
default: current architecture.

-l Suppress "heavy" versions of function wrappers and field accessors; also resets any
earlier -heavy to default. default: not suppressed.

-h suppress "light" versions of function wrappers and field accessors; also resets any
earlier -light to default. default: not suppressed

-na Instruct ml-nlffigen to generated function wrappers that use named arguments (ML
records) instead of tuples if there is enough information for this in the C source;
(this is not always very useful). default: off.

Do not do the following: Collect enum constants from truly unnamed enumerations (those
without tags that occur at toplevel or in an unnamed context, i.e., not in a typedef
or another named struct or union) into a single artificial enumeration tagged by '
(single apostrohe). The corresponding ML-side representative will be a structure
named E_'.

-ec When possible (i.e., if all values of a given enumeration are different from each
other), make the ML representation type of the enumeration a datatype. The default
(and fallback) is to make that type the same as MLRep.Signed.int.

-libhandle h
-lh h
Use the variable h to refer to the handle to the shared library object. Given the
constraints of CM, h must have the form of a long ML identifier, e.g.,

-include f
-add f
Mention file f in the generated .cm file. This option is necessary at least once for
providing the library handle. It can be used arbitrarily many times, resulting in
more than one such programmer-supplied file to be mentioned. If f is relative, then
it must be relative to the directory specified in the -dir dir option.

-cmfile f
-cm f
Specify name of the generated .cm file, relative to the directory specified by the
-dir dir option. default: nlffi-generated.cm.

-cppopt o
The string o gets added to the list of options to be passed to cpp (the C
preprocessor). The list of options gets substituted for %o in the cpp command line

-U x
The string -Ux gets added to the list of cpp options.

-D x
The string -Dx gets added to the list of cpp options.

-I x
The string -Ix gets added to the list of cpp options.

Just write the version number of ml-nlffigen to standard output and then quit.

-match r
-m r
Normally ml-nlffigen will include ML definitions for a C declaration if the C
declaration textually appears in one of the files specified at the command line.
Definitions in #include-d files will normally not appear (unless their absence would
lead to inconsistencies). By specifying -matchr , ml-nlffigen will also include
definitions that occur in recursively #include-d files for which the awk-style regular
expression r matches their names.

-prefix p
-p p
Generated ML structure names will all have prefix p (in addition to the usual "S_" or
"U_" or "F_" ...)

-gensym g

-g g
Names "gensym-ed" by ml-nlffigen (for anonymous struct/union/ enums) will get an
additional suffix _g. (This should be used if output from several indepdendent runs
of ml-nlffigen are to coexist in the same ML program.)

-- Terminate processing of options, remaining arguments are taken to be C sources.

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