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modpodsp - Online in the Cloud

Run modpodsp in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command modpodsp that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



modpods - print out paths for the standard modules


This program outputs the paths to all installed modules on your systems. This includes
both the standard modules (which the stdpods command produces) and the site-specific ones
(which the sitepods command produces).

This is just a front-end for calling pminst -l, supplied to make it more obvious what it


This finds all the modules whose documentation mentions destructors, and cats it out at

$ podgrep -i destructor `modpods`

=head1 /usr/local/devperl/lib/5.00554/i686-linux/DB_File.pm chunk 371

Having read L<perltie> you will probably have already guessed that the
error is caused by the extra copy of the tied object stored in C<$X>.
If you haven't, then the problem boils down to the fact that the
B<DB_File> destructor, DESTROY, will not be called until I<all>
references to the tied object are destroyed. Both the tied variable,
C<%x>, and C<$X> above hold a reference to the object. The call to
untie() will destroy the first, but C<$X> still holds a valid
reference, so the destructor will not get called and the database file
F<tst.fil> will remain open. The fact that Berkeley DB then reports the
attempt to open a database that is alreday open via the catch-all
"Invalid argument" doesn't help.

=head1 /usr/local/devperl/lib/5.00554/Tie/Array.pm chunk 40

Normal object destructor method.

Use modpodsp online using onworks.net services

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