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mpaste - Online in the Cloud

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mpaste - command-line client for https://paste.mate-desktop.org


mpaste [<OPTIONS>] [<INFILE>]


The mpaste program reads text from file or STDIN and sends it to


a pastebin site run by the MATE Desktop project. After pasting some text, mpaste returns
the URL of the pasted text to the user.

If <INFILE> is omitted, mpaste waits for incoming text on STDIN.


The following options are supported:

-t, --title <TITLE>
Title of the paste.

-p, --private
Should this paste be private?

-pwd, --password <PASSWORD>
Protect paste with a given password.

-lang, --language <LANG>
Language that the paste is in.

-ll, --language-list
List all supported languages.

-e, --expire <MINUTES>
Paste expires in a given number of minutes.

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