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perl6 - Rakudo Perl 6 Compiler


perl6 [switches] [--] [programfile] [arguments]


With no arguments, enters a REPL. With a "[programfile]" or the "-e" option, compiles the
given program and by default also executes the compiled code.

-c check syntax only (runs BEGIN and CHECK blocks)
--doc extract documentation and print it as text
-e program one line of program, strict is enabled by default
-h, --help display this help text
-n run program once for each line of input
-p same as -n, but also print $_ at the end of lines
--target=[stage] specify compilation stage to emit
--encoding=[mode] specify string encoding mode
--output=[name] specify name of output file
-v, --version display version information
--stagestats display time spent in the compilation stages
--ll-exception display a low level backtrace on errors
--profile write profile information as HTML file (MoarVM)
specify an alternate profile output file

Note that only boolean single-letter options may be bundled.

The supported values for "--target" are:

Target Backend Description
====== ======= ===========
parse all a representation of the parse tree
ast all an abstract syntax tree (before optimizations)
optimize all an abstract syntax tree (after optimizations)

mbc MoarVM MoarVM byte code
jar JVM JVM archive

For "--profile-filename", specifying a name ending in ".json" will write a raw JSON
profile dump. The default if this is omitted is "profile-[timestamp].html".

List of env vars used in Rakudo

"RAKUDOLIB", "PERL6LIB" (src/core/Inc.pm)
Appends a delimited list of paths to @INC. "RAKUDOLIB" is evaluated first.

"RAKUDO_MODULE_DEBUG" (src/Perl6/ModuleLoader.pm)
If set to a non-false value, causes the module loader to print debugging information
to standard error.

"RAKUDO_ERROR_COLOR" (src/core/Exception.pm)
Controls whether to emit ANSI codes for error highlighting. Defaults to true if unset,
except on Win32.

"RAKUDO_MAX_THREADS" (src/core/ThreadPoolScheduler.pm)
Controls the maximum number of threads used by a thread pool.

"RAKUDO_NO_DEPRECATIONS" (src/core/Deprecations.pm)
If set, suppresses deprecation warnings.

"RAKUDO_VERBOSE_STACKFRAME" (src/core/Backtrace.pm)
Controls stack frame verbosity.

"RAKUDO_BACKTRACE_SETTING" (src/core/Backtrace.pm)
Controls whether .setting files are included in backtraces.


Written by the Rakudo contributors, see the CREDITS file.

This manual page was written by Reini Urban, Moritz Lenz and the Rakudo contributors.

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