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pod2pandocp - Online in the Cloud

Run pod2pandocp in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command pod2pandocp that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



pod2pandoc - convert Pod to Pandoc document model


pod2pandoc [OPTIONS] [INPUT...] | pandoc -f json ...


"pod2pandoc" converts POD format documentation (perlpod) to the abstract document model
used by Pandoc <http://pandoc.org/> for further processing to other document formats
(HTML, Markdown, LaTeX, PDF, EPUB, docx, ODT, man, ICML...). By default or with input "-"
a document is read from STDIN. Multiple input files are combined to one document.

Conversion is based on Pod::Simple::Pandoc which uses Pandoc::Element.

pod2pandoc Module.pm | pandoc -f json -o Module.pdf
pod2pandoc Module.pm | pandoc -f json -o Module.html

Or even shorter (not implemented yet):

pod2pandoc Module.pm -- -o Module.pdf

With processing:

pod2pandoc --filter 'Header => Para [ Strong [ Str $_->string ] ]' Module.pm


--filter 'SELECTOR => ACTION'
Preprocess the document. See Pandoc::Filter::Lazy for filter syntax.

Print out usage information and exit

Print the full manual page and exit

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