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pt-ioprofilep - Online in the Cloud

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pt-ioprofile - Watch process IO and print a table of file and I/O activity.


Usage: pt-ioprofile [OPTIONS] [FILE]

pt-ioprofile does two things: 1) get lsof+strace for -s seconds, 2) aggregate the result.
If you specify a FILE, then step 1) is not performed.


WARNING: pt-ioprofile freezes the server and may crash the process, or make it perform
badly after detaching, or leave it in a sleeping state! Before using this tool, please:

· Read the tool's documentation

· Review the tool's known "BUGS"

· Test the tool on a non-production server

· Backup your production server and verify the backups

pt-ioprofile should be considered an intrusive tool, and should not be used on
production servers unless you understand and accept the risks.


pt-ioprofile uses "strace" and "lsof" to watch a process's IO and print out a table of
files and I/O activity. By default, it watches the mysqld process for 30 seconds. The
output is like:

Tue Dec 27 15:33:57 PST 2011
Tracing process ID 1833
total read write lseek ftruncate filename
0.000150 0.000029 0.000068 0.000038 0.000015 /tmp/ibBE5opS

You probably need to run this tool as root.

pt-ioprofile works by attaching "strace" to the process using "ptrace()", which will make
it run very slowly until "strace" detaches. In addition to freezing the server, there is
some risk of the process crashing or performing badly after "strace" detaches from it, or
of "strace" not detaching cleanly and leaving the process in a sleeping state. As a
result, this should be considered an intrusive tool, and should not be used on production
servers unless you are comfortable with that.


short form: -a; type: string; default: sum

The aggregate function, either "sum" or "avg".

If sum, then each cell will contain the sum of the values in it. If avg, then each
cell will contain the average of the values in it.

short form: -c; type: string; default: times

The cell contents.

Valid values are:

===== =======================
count Count of I/O operations
sizes Sizes of I/O operations
times I/O operation timing

short form: -g; type: string; default: filename

The group-by item.

Valid values are:

===== ======================================
all Summarize into a single line of output
filename One line of output per filename
pid One line of output per process ID

Print help and exit.

short form: -p; type: int

The PID to profile, overrides "--profile-process".

short form: -b; type: string; default: mysqld

The process name to profile.

type: int; default: 30

How long to profile.

type: string

Filename to save samples in; these can be used for later analysis.

Print the tool's version and exit.


This tool does not use any environment variables.


This tool requires the Bourne shell (/bin/sh).

Use pt-ioprofilep online using onworks.net services

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