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qmhandle - Online in the Cloud

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qmhandle - tool to manage the qmail message queue


qmhandle [--help] [--version]


qmHandle is a tool which can be used to manage the qmail message queue. It's written in
Perl (so fully customizable) and has more features than qmail-qread and qmail-qstat.


-a try to send queued messages now (qmail must be running)

-l list message queues

-L list local message queue

-R list remote message queue

-s show some statistics

-mN display message number N

-dN delete message number N

delete message from sender

-f're delete message from senders matching regular expression re

-Stext delete all messages that have/contain text as Subject

-h're' delete all messages with headers matching regular expression re (case insensitive)

-b're' delete all messages with body matching regular expression re (case insensitive)

-H're' delete all messages with headers matching regular expression re (case sensitive)

-B're' delete all messages with body matching regular expression re (case sensitive)

-t're' flag messages with recipients in regular expression 're' for earlier retry (note:
this lengthens the time message can stay in queue)

-D delete all messages in the queue (local and remote)

-V print program version

-c display colored output

-N list message numbers only


Marcela Tiznado <[email protected]>


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