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rabbit-slide - Online in the Cloud

Run rabbit-slide in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command rabbit-slide that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



rabbit-slide - Template generator for Rabbit


rabbit-slide COMMAND [OPTIONS]


e.g.: rabbit-slide new \

--id rubykaigi2012 \

--base-name rabbit-introduction \

--markup-language rd \

--name "Kouhei Sutou" \

--email [email protected] \

--rubygems-user kou \

--slideshare-user kou \

--speaker-deck-user kou


new: create a new slide

change: change an existing slide

Slide information

Slide ID (e.g.: --id=rubykaigi2012) (must)

Base name for the slide source file and generated PDF file (e.g.:
--base-name=rabbit-introduction) (must)

Markup language for the new slide (e.g.: --markup-language=rd) (available markup
languages: [rd, hiki, markdown]) (default: rd) (optional)

Title of the new slide (e.g.: --title="Rabbit Introduction") (optional)

Tags of the new slide (e.g.: --tags=rabbit,presentation,ruby) (optional)

Allotted time in presentaion (e.g.: --allotted-time=5m) (optional)

Presentation date with the new slide (e.g.: --presentation-date=2012/06/29)

Your information

Author name of the new slide (e.g.: --name="Kouhei Sutou") (default: Youhei SASAKI)

Author e-mail of the new slide (e.g.: --email=kou@cozmixng.org) (default:
[email protected]) (optional)

Account for RubyGems.org It is used to publish your slide to RubyGems.org (e.g.:
--rubygems-user=kou) (default: sasakyh) (optional)

Account for SlideShare It is used to publish your slide to SlideShare (e.g.:
--slideshare-user=kou) (default: uwabami) (optional)

Account for Speaker Deck It is used to publish your slide to Speaker Deck (e.g.:
--speaker-deck-user=kou) (optional)

Common options

Load options from FILE. (none)

Specify locale dir as [DIR]. (auto)

Specify logger type as [TYPE]. Select from [stderr, gui]. (STDERR)

Specify log level as [LEVEL]. Select from [debug, info, warning, error, fatal,
unknown]. (info)

--help Show this message.

Show version.

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