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sa-compile - compile SpamAssassin ruleset into native code


sa-compile [options]


--list Output base string list to STDOUT
--sudo Use 'sudo' for privilege escalation
--keep-tmps Keep temporary files instead of deleting
-C path, --configpath=path, --config-file=path
Path to standard configuration dir
-p prefs, --prefspath=file, --prefs-file=file
Set user preferences file
--siteconfigpath=path Path for site configs
(default: /etc/spamassassin)
--updatedir=path Directory to place updates
(default: /var/lib/spamassassin/compiled/<perlversion>/3.004001)
--cf='config line' Additional line of configuration
-D, --debug [area=n,...] Print debugging messages
-V, --version Print version
-h, --help Print usage message


sa-compile uses "re2c" to compile the site-wide parts of the SpamAssassin ruleset. No part
of user_prefs or any files included from user_prefs can be built into the compiled set.

This compiled set is then used by the "Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Rule2XSBody" plugin to
speed up SpamAssassin's operation, where possible, and when that plugin is loaded.

"re2c" can match strings much faster than perl code, by constructing a DFA to match many
simple strings in parallel, and compiling that to native object code. Not all
SpamAssassin rules are amenable to this conversion, however.

This requires "re2c" (see "http://re2c.org/"), and the C compiler used to build Perl XS
modules, be installed.

Note that running this, and creating a compiled ruleset, will have no effect on
SpamAssassin scanning speeds unless you also edit your "v320.pre" file and ensure this
line is uncommented:

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Rule2XSBody

Additionally, "sa-compile" will not restart "spamd" or otherwise cause a scanner to reload
the now-compiled ruleset automatically.


Output the extracted base strings to STDOUT, instead of generating the C extension

Use sudo(8) to run code as 'root' when writing files to the compiled-rules storage
area (which is "/var/lib/spamassassin/compiled/5.020/3.004001" by default).

Produce less diagnostic output. Errors will still be displayed.

Keep temporary files after the script completes, instead of deleting them.

-C path, --configpath=path, --config-file=path
Use the specified path for locating the distributed configuration files. Ignore the
default directories (usually "/usr/share/spamassassin" or similar).

Use the specified path for locating site-specific configuration files. Ignore the
default directories (usually "/etc/spamassassin" or similar).

By default, "sa-compile" will use the system-wide rules update directory:


If the updates should be stored in another location, specify it here.

Note that use of this option is not recommended; if sa-compile is placing the compiled
rules the wrong directory, you probably need to rebuild SpamAssassin with different
"Makefile.PL" arguments, instead of overriding sa-compile's runtime behaviour.

--cf='config line'
Add additional lines of configuration directly from the command-line, parsed after the
configuration files are read. Multiple --cf arguments can be used, and each will be
considered a separate line of configuration.

-p prefs, --prefspath=prefs, --prefs-file=prefs
Read user score preferences from prefs (usually "$HOME/.spamassassin/user_prefs") .

-D [area,...], --debug [area,...]
Produce debugging output. If no areas are listed, all debugging information is
printed. Diagnostic output can also be enabled for each area individually; area is
the area of the code to instrument.

For more information about which areas (also known as channels) are available, please
see the documentation at <http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/DebugChannels>.

-h, --help
Print help message and exit.

-V, --version
Print sa-compile version and exit.

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