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simadb_cli - Online in the Cloud

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simadb_cli - simadb_cli is a command line interface editor for the sima user DB.


simadb_cli --remove_artist=artist [--dbfile=db_file] [--reciprocal]

simadb_cli --purge_hist [--dbfile=db_file]

simadb_cli --view_all [--dbfile=db_file]

simadb_cli {--bl_curr_trk | --bl_curr_art | --bl_curr_alb | --bl_art=artist_name}
[--dbfile=db_file] [--host=mpd_host] [--port=mpd_port]

simadb_cli --remove_bl=row_id [--dbfile=db_file]

simadb_cli --view_bl [--dbfile=db_file]

simadb_cli {{-h | --help} | --version}


This manual page documents briefly the simadb_cli commands.

simadb_cli is a command line interface to get and edit users blacklist database used with
MPD_sima. The default database file (see the section called “FILES”) can be overridden if
you want.


Black list edition
Adding to black list. You can add a single track, an album or an artist to the black
list. The element to black list is chosen from the currently playing track. Use
--bl_curr_trk to prevent simadb_cli to queue this track, --bl_curr_alb or --bl_curr_art
respectively for the album and the artist.

Remember you need access to your MPD server to retrieve information to black list.
Defaults are localhost:6600 or found in environment variables but you may set it up from
command line:

simadb_cli --bl_curr_art -S mympd.example.org

To black list a specific artist (not currently playing) you can use --bl_ar="Artist name
to black list".


The program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two
dashes ("-"). A summary of options is included below.

-h, --help
Print help and exit.

Print version and exit.

Use to black list artist_name. simadb_cli is checking artist_name is actually in MPD
music library (cf -S and -P options to set MPD host/address if necessary).

If artist_name is not found the script print out a list of matching artists.

--bl_curr_trk | --bl_curr_art | --bl_curr_alb
Use to black list the currently playing track|artist|album. You need access to your
MPD server, use -S and -P to set MPD host/address if necessary.

-d db_file, --dbfile=db_file
Use the specific file db_file as database.
Default is too use XDG_DATA_HOME (see the section called “FILES”).

Purge history, you may supply an alternative DB file with --dbfile option.

Use to remove a black list entry. To get the row_id to suppress use --view_bl option.

Get all entries in the black list.

-P mpd_port, --port=mpd_port
Use the specific port number mpd_port on MPD server. This overrides MPD_PORT
environment variable.
Default is 6600.

-S mpd_host, --host=mpd_host
Use the specific host mpd_host as MPD server.
mpd_host can be an IP or a fully qualified domain name as long as your system can
resolve it. This overrides MPD_HOST environment variable.
Default is localhost.

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