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smstrade_balance - Online in the Cloud

Run smstrade_balance in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command smstrade_balance that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



smstrade_send - smstrade_balance


usage: smstrade_send [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-s SECTION] [-k KEY] [-f SENDER]

[-r {basic,gold,direct}] [-d] [--cost] [-m] [--count] [--dlr] [--response] [--ref
REFERENCE] [-l] [--charset {UTF-8,ISO-8859-1,ISO-8859-15}] [--senddate SENDDATE]
[--messagetype {flash,unicode,binary,voice}] [--udh UDH] [--version] to [to ...]

Send one or more SMS via the smstrade.eu API

positional arguments:
to receiver of the SMS

the text content of the SMS message to send

optional arguments:
-h, --help
show this help message and exit

-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
alternative configuration instead of the default configurationfiles:
/etc/xdg/smstrade/smstrade.ini, ~/.config/smstrade/smstrade.ini, smstrade.ini

-s SECTION, --section SECTION
use the specified section in the configuration file

-k KEY, --key KEY
personal identification code

-f SENDER, --from SENDER
source identifier (ignored for route basic)

-r {basic,gold,direct}, --route {basic,gold,direct}
SMS route

-d, --debug
activate debug mode

--cost enable output of sending costs

-m, --message-id
enable output of message ids

enable output of message count

--dlr enable delivery reports

enable receiving of reply SMS (only for route basic)

add an own reference for this message

-l, --concat
send as linked (longer) SMS

--charset {UTF-8,ISO-8859-1,ISO-8859-15}
character set of the message (defaults to current locale's charset) converted to
UTF-8 if necessary

--senddate SENDDATE
send time delayed SMS at the given time (UNIX timestamp)

--messagetype {flash,unicode,binary,voice}
enable sending of flash, unicode, binary or voice messages

--udh UDH
hexadecimal representation of bytes for a binary message

show program's version number and exit

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