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stpm-keygen - Online in the Cloud

Run stpm-keygen in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command stpm-keygen that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



stpm-keygen - Generate key pair for use with simple-tpm-pk11


stpm-keygen [ -hps ] -o output file


stpm-keygen generates a 2048 RSA key inside the TPM chip, and saves the public key and the
SRK-encrypted private key (the "blob") in the output file.


-h Show usage info.

-o output file
Output file, where the public key and key blob will be written.

-p Create the key with a PIN / password. The password will be prompted for

-s Ask for the SRK password interactively. By default the "Well Known Secret" (20
nulls) is used. The SRK password is an access token that must be presented for the
TPM to perform any operation that involves the TPM, and an actual secret password
is usually not required or useful.

-S Generate key in software instead of hardware. The choice between generating the
key in software and hardware is not an obvious one. It’s hard to verify the quality
of keys generated in hardware (e.g. bugs or backdoors), but software keys have
existed in RAM at some point. And because software generated keys have to be
generated as migratable keys, they can be extracted by someone who knows the TPM
owner password. The recommended choice is to generate in hardware, which is also
the default.


stpm-keygen -o ~/.simple-tpm-pk11/my.key

stpm-keygen -p -o ~/.simple-tpm-pk11/my.key
Enter key PIN: my secret password here

stpm-keygen -sp -o ~/.simple-tpm-pk11/my.key
Enter SRK PIN: 12345678
Enter key PIN: my secret password here


Most errors will probably be related to interacting with the TPM chip. Resetting the TPM
chip and taking ownership should take care of most of them. See the TPM-TROUBLESHOOTING
section of simple-tpm-pk11(7).

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