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viewperl - Online in the Cloud

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viewperl - quickly view syntax highlighted Perl code


viewperl [OPTION]... FILE...


View a Perl source code file, syntax highlighted.

-c, --code=CODE
view CODE, syntax highlighted

-l, --lines
display line numbers

-L, --no-lines
supress display of line numbers (default)

-m, --module=FILE
consider FILE the name of a module, not a file name

-n, --name
display the name of each file (default)

-N, --no-name
supress display of file names (implied by --no-reset)

-p, --pod
display inline POD documentation (default)

-P, --no-pod
hide POD documentation (line numbers still increment)

-r, --reset
reset formatting and line numbers each file (default)

-R, --no-reset
supress resetting of formatting and line numbers

-s, --shift=WIDTH
set tab width (default is 4)

-t, --tabs
translate tabs into spaces (default)

-T, --no-tabs
supress translating of tabs into spaces

--help display this help and exit

Note that module names should be given as they would appear after a Perl `use' or
`require' statement. `Getopt::Long', for example.

Each string given using -c is considered a different file, so line number and formatting
resets will apply.

View a Perl source code file, syntax highlighted.

-c, --code=CODE
view CODE, syntax highlighted

-l, --lines
display line numbers

-L, --no-lines
supress display of line numbers (default)

-m, --module=FILE
consider FILE the name of a module, not a file name

-n, --name
display the name of each file (default)

-N, --no-name
supress display of file names (implied by --no-reset)

-p, --pod
display inline POD documentation (default)

-P, --no-pod
hide POD documentation (line numbers still increment)

-r, --reset
reset formatting and line numbers each file (default)

-R, --no-reset
supress resetting of formatting and line numbers

-s, --shift=WIDTH
set tab width (default is 4)

-t, --tabs
translate tabs into spaces (default)

-T, --no-tabs
supress translating of tabs into spaces

--help display this help and exit

Note that module names should be given as they would appear after a Perl `use' or
`require' statement. `Getopt::Long', for example.

Each string given using -c is considered a different file, so line number and formatting
resets will apply.

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