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wimlib-imagex-delete - Delete an image from a WIM archive


wimlib-imagex delete WIMFILE IMAGE [OPTION...]


wimlib-imagex delete deletes the specified image from the Windows Imaging (WIM) file
WIMFILE. This command is also available as simply wimdelete if the appropriate hard link
or batch file has been installed.

IMAGE specifies the WIM image in WIMFILE to delete. It may be a 1-based index of an image
in the WIM, the name of an image in the WIM, or the keyword "all" to indicate that all
images are to be deleted. Use the wimlib-imagex info (1) command to show what images a
WIM file contains.


By default, the WIM file is rebuilt with all unnecessary file data removed. This is
different from Microsoft's ImageX and DISM, which only will delete the directory tree
metadata and XML data for this operation. (See the --soft option for the other kind of

Also wimlib allows you to delete all the images from a WIM and have a WIM with 0 images,
although such a file wouldn't be very useful.

wimlib-imagex delete does not support split WIMs.


When reading WIMFILE, verify its integrity if the integrity table is present;
additionally, when rewriting WIMFILE after the specified image was deleted, always
write an integrity table. If this option is not specified, the integrity of WIMFILE
will not be checked when it's opened, but an integrity table will be written in the
updated WIM if and only if one was present before.

Perform a "soft delete". Specifying this flag overrides the default behavior of
rebuilding the entire WIM after deleting an image. Instead, only minimal changes to
correctly remove the image from the WIM will be taken. In particular, all streams
will be left alone, even if they are no longer referenced. This is probably not
what you want, because no space will be saved by deleting an image in this way.

You may use wimlib-imagex optimize to delete unreferenced streams from a WIM that
has had images soft-deleted from it.

See the documentation for this option in wimlib-imagex-optimize (1).


Delete the first image from 'boot.wim':

wimlib-imagex delete boot.wim 1

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