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user-event download for Linux

Free download user-event Linux app to run online in Ubuntu online, Fedora online or Debian online

This is the Linux app named user-event whose latest release can be downloaded as v14.5.1.zip. It can be run online in the free hosting provider OnWorks for workstations.

Download and run online this app named user-event with OnWorks for free.

Follow these instructions in order to run this app:

- 1. Downloaded this application in your PC.

- 2. Enter in our file manager https://www.onworks.net/myfiles.php?username=XXXXX with the username that you want.

- 3. Upload this application in such filemanager.

- 4. Start the OnWorks Linux online or Windows online emulator or MACOS online emulator from this website.

- 5. From the OnWorks Linux OS you have just started, goto our file manager https://www.onworks.net/myfiles.php?username=XXXXX with the username that you want.

- 6. Download the application, install it and run it.





Fire events the same way the user does. user-event tries to simulate the real events that would happen in the browser as the user interacts with it. For example userEvent.click(checkbox) would change the state of the checkbox. user-event is a companion library for Testing Library that simulates user interactions by dispatching the events that would happen if the interaction took place in a browser. fireEvent dispatches DOM events, whereas user-event simulates full interactions, which may fire multiple events and do additional checks along the way. Testing Library's built-in fireEvent is a lightweight wrapper around the browser's low-level dispatchEvent API, which allows developers to trigger any event on any element. The problem is that the browser usually does more than just trigger one event for one interaction.


  • user-event allows you to describe a user interaction instead of a concrete event
  • Write tests with userEvent
  • We recommend invoking userEvent.setup() before the component is rendered
  • Testing Library's built-in fireEvent is a lightweight wrapper around the browser's low-level dispatchEvent API
  • fireEvent dispatches DOM events
  • It adds visibility and interactability checks along the way and manipulates the DOM

Programming Language




This is an application that can also be fetched from https://sourceforge.net/projects/user-event.mirror/. It has been hosted in OnWorks in order to be run online in an easiest way from one of our free Operative Systems.

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    general, user interface, GUI, vector,
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  • 6
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    type optionally using the search
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