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dcstats - Online in the Cloud

Run dcstats in OnWorks free hosting provider over Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator

This is the command dcstats that can be run in the OnWorks free hosting provider using one of our multiple free online workstations such as Ubuntu Online, Fedora Online, Windows online emulator or MAC OS online emulator



dcstats - ACR/NEMA DICOM PS3 ... DICOM PS3 - DICOM image statistics


dcstats [ -v|verbose ] [ -filename ]


dcstats reads the named dicom or acr-nema input file and describes the statistics of the
image pixel data. The primary intent is to determine if the pixel representation is
unsigned or signed (regardless of what other attributes may specify).

The description and verbose output go to standard error.

The basic input switches are described in dcintro(1). Options specific to this program

Display byte offset from file start and message start, in hexadecimal, and dump
contents while reading and once read.

Show the name of the file supplied in the arguments; a hyphen will be reported if
no filename was supplied.

Show the name of the file supplied in the arguments; a hyphen will be reported if
no filename was supplied.



% dcstats expmeta.dc3
Signed minimum value = 0x0 (0 dec)
Signed maximum value = 0x6e9 (1769 dec)
Unsigned minimum value = 0x0 (0 dec)
Unsigned maximum value = 0x6e9 (1769 dec)
Signed range = 0x6e9 (1769 dec)
Unsigned range = 0x6e9 (1769 dec)
Signed mean = 0x158 (344 dec) (19.446%)
Unsigned mean = 0x158 (344 dec) (19.446%)
Bits Stored = 16
Significant unsigned bits = 11

% dcstats impnone.dc3
Signed minimum value = 0xfa24 (64036 dec)
Signed maximum value = 0x638 (1592 dec)
Unsigned minimum value = 0x0 (0 dec)
Unsigned maximum value = 0xffff (65535 dec)
Signed range = 0xc14 (3092 dec)
Unsigned range = 0xffff (65535 dec)
Signed mean = 0xfec2 (65218 dec) (38.2277%)
Unsigned mean = 0x1cdd (7389 dec) (11.2749%)
Bits Stored = 16
Significant positive bits = 11
Significant negative bits = 11
Offset to make unsigned in hex is = 0x5dc
Offset to make unsigned in dec is = 1500

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